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Old 01/07/2008, 06:54 PM
funman1 funman1 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Citrus Heights, CA
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Originally posted by kdblove_99

Is Steve/Funman everywhere?

Hahah yeah my seceret is that I have actually cloned myself, this allows me to be in 3 different places at the same time. I'm working on a 4th clone so I can even get more done, hahaha!!!

Actually Saturday Mikey Doughnuts showed up, and reclaimed his sea hare that had been cleaning my nano, then while he was there, ZGMA showed up with his awesome son and we drilled his tank for a BH, and then I got the call for the gen help..

It was an action packed Saturday, and I would not choose to have it any other way..

Wait till the people working on their arcades start posting what we are up too..

There's some sweet arcades in the works for some MARS members, right now, and some REALLY nice ones slated for this summer... heheheh
Here's a teaser from a currently anonoumous member, if they choose to speak up that's fine but don't want to call them out unless they want people to know..

And that tank is looking AWESOME!!! Can't wait till the water clears for some pics!!
"Sharks are naturally peaceful."
"How'd you get that nasty cut anyway?"
"A shark bit me."

Jack of all trades, and master of none.