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Old 01/06/2008, 03:39 PM
THC(kb)3.5 THC(kb)3.5 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Hatteras
Posts: 14
I would get a smaller one(3-5") and let him grow up....u dont to get really small one as they are more sensitive.....they usually have no problems eating frozen foods....krill,squid,silversides,etc.
Make sure you have a tight fitting lid,i had a 13"+ miniatus that jumped up through my glass canopy.....strong fish(ie grouper
)......just make sure the tankmates wont fit in his mouth like pretty much every1 else said....overall pretty easy fish to care for and have brilliant coloration...hhhmmmm....might have to get another one with my puffers,lion,trigger-fit right
Save a reef.....frag your corals!!!