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Old 01/06/2008, 12:45 AM
hubris007 hubris007 is offline
An EEEVEEEL veterinarian?
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Springfield, Il (Movin' on up)
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Hopefully it will be better than their first attempt at a sequel:

or their second...

IMHO, here's the car they should have used:

on an aside... I hadn't heard anything about this until i heard the bass beat during the comercial with the shelby covered by a tarp. I looked up and saw the lights going back and forth and said, "Hey look, they're going to try to bring out a new knight rider." She told me i was a geek and she couldn't believe i recognized that music as being from knight rider, a show cancelled how many decades ago?

Now, am i wrong, or is that theme music engrained in your subconscious like the themes from star wars, Jaws, the A team, and Indiana Jones. Aren't there some scores that you just don't forget?
Learn from the mistakes of others. You haven't got time to make them all yourself.

Last edited by hubris007; 01/06/2008 at 01:02 AM.