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Old 01/05/2008, 02:36 AM
Shoreliner11 Shoreliner11 is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 119
Originally posted by msu spartan
how much clown gobies can they have in the 6g tank?
Well thats a different story. Personally I'd limit myself 1 but if sufficient water changes and/or skimming going on, you might be able to get away with 2. To my recollection, coral gobies (Gobiodon sp.) have indeterminate sexes when young but mature into either a male or female. I have also read that they are simultaneous hermaphrodites, choosing to reproduce as either a male or female. At any rate, to be safe I'd try to get some that were on the small side to make sure.
