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Old 01/03/2008, 02:42 PM
mnestroy mnestroy is offline
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Need advice on a new tank build (120Gal)

Well, I've outgrown my 40breeder that is 25yrs old and scratched like crazy.

I've been looking at getting a 120Galon tank. I saw the tech series and they look great.. starfire, no center brace, slim overflow...

I will have a custom stand/hood made to fit.

I am still in the planning phases, but I want to make this all happen in the next month or two. I already have a skimmer (H&S A150) which is external. I got an Tunze 6025 and 6045 nano stream which will have to make due for the time being.

But I need some feedback.

1. Sump

I'm going to use my old 40 breeder as a sump... I know rod makes great sumps but what does he offer? I mean I am happy with 3 chambers and a few bubble traps (this i can do for like 20bux)...

2. Lights

I know the heated debate over T5s vs MH... I am 99% I want to go with MH for my main lights, and T5's for the supplemental. Can somebody suggest what they would consider the best reflectors and ballast? I won't have a chiller so 250w is my limit (2 of them)

3. Return pump

A) I have an eheim 1250 which I know will be to small, but I have first hand experience with Eheim and I think they make good equipment, but I was wondering what other options I have?

B) Internal or external return pump: depending on space I will consider having tank drilled and having it external, what do I gain by doing this? I know you cut back on heat, but is it that much?

I am still in the planning phases, but I want to make this all happen in the next month or two.
