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Old 01/01/2008, 01:48 PM
jdieck jdieck is offline
Flea Slide
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Naperville IL
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Originally posted by MO Will
Thanks for all the replies to date

Update: I turned down the two part dosing 72 hours ago from 700 mL/day to 200 mL/day

I just checked my parameters

SG 1.026

pH 8.2

Alk 6.4 Lamotte

Ca 350 (Salifert)

Haven't had a chance to buy a second test kit

By JDieck's calculator I would have to add 769 mL to restore the calcium to 400

My SPS look good. Many are visibly growing

Appreciate the replies
MO Will:

Although there was a drop of 50 ppm in Calcium, there was only a drop of 1.2 dKh in alkalinity over three days. With this drop in Alkalinity the calcium should have dropped only 9 ppm
This show a potential testing error which I would guess is on the calcium side as IME Ca kits have more variability that Alkalinity kits.
(Side Note: I am assuming your LaMotte measures in ppm alkalinity so you are converting to dKh using 17.86 ppm per dKh)

If the alkalinity is right you are only missing about 40 ml/day of recipe. Try using 250 ml/day and watch it over a week's period.

If need to be adjust calcium or alkalinity independently using only the corresponding part.
Did I write what I wrote? What the heck am I talking about! Well..... Nevermind.