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Old 01/01/2008, 09:57 AM
demonsp demonsp is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: el paso tx
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Adding salt dirrectly to the tank is very bad. You need to premix the batch let circulate and then add after drain. Salinty will fall during evaporation as salt dont evap only water does and this makes salinity go up.

You need to stop adding stock and get a water test kit. You need to know your readings before adding anymore stock.

Do you have a brand and model number for those powerheads as flow is very important.

Live rock is your best bio filter but not if there is not enough flow or rock then its usless,as well as the LS. You need to slow down and get the basics up to par. Your just looking for lots of problems and frustration. If you rush this hobby you will fail.
You need to take a few steps back and take care of the things like water readings , salinity , equipment ,ect, before you add anymore stock or go any further.
Lance H.