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Old 12/27/2007, 09:20 AM
Zedar Zedar is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Phila,Pa
Posts: 294
Mo I guess I'm the first person to respond that can offer you advice based on experience.

I had the exact same problem !! EXACTLY the same!!!

It was the KALK !!!

Once I stopped the Kalk reactor the parameters came inline.

No more precipitate. No more wild swings in calcium. My calcium would go from 450 to 300 in one day!!

Stop the KALK !!!

Adjust your calc and alk per randys advice. In otherwords get them balanced.
DON'T use baked baking soda for the onetime adjustment. Make a gallon of baking soda for this purpose. The baked soda will raise the PH and cause abiotic precipitation. Another lesson I had to learn the hard way.

Once they're balanced, start a drip thats more inline with your tanks requirements. Say 150 ml 200 ml per day. Monitor that for a few days and find your requirements from there.

I dose 300 ml per day in a 65 but I have a huge head of frogspawn (as in soccer ball sized) and 10 sps.

I am dosing kalk again, but Ive learned my lesson. Its dripped at a VERY VERY slow rate.

The combination of KALK dripped too fast and the 2 part dosing was causing all the problems. Im sure its your problem too.

Good Luck!!!

Last edited by Zedar; 12/27/2007 at 09:41 AM.