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Old 12/26/2007, 09:15 PM
eznet2u eznet2u is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Central California
Posts: 257
I own one. Pulls out the "stuff" like nobodys business. I did order a Genx needlewheel, I may make it a recirculating skimmer. Haven't decided yet.
I will mesh mod it though.
I bought this off of a friend. He had it on a 120g. The thing spit out a cup of nasty black stuff everyday with a light Bioload.

I get more of a tea color in the bucket, because all the solids seem to stay in the line and the cup.
I have 1 small Sailfin, 4 Blue green Chromis and an Engineer goby.
This is after 24hrs.

Collection Cup.

Drain Line.

5g Collection bucket. That is about 1/2 a gallon, And this is set dry.

These may not look pretty, but they work...