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Old 12/25/2007, 10:16 PM
ironman2 ironman2 is offline
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Critters found under microscope?

Hello all, I have been fighting a battle with LPS recession since August of this year. I have posted several times trying to figure out what is going on. What happens is the outer most tissue receeds till the colony finally withers away. only the outer margin seems to be affected. It seems to be most prevalent in Acans and micromussas, but also is receeding all LPS corlas in the tank. It is a slow process that takes weeks to months to kill one colony depending on size. I have currently lost over 30 acans and 7 blasto wellsis, and 5 candy canes.

I have done everything I can think of to eliminate water quality issues. and have gone as far as to tear down the tank completely and scrub all live rock and use a heavy dip of tropic marin pro coral cure for all corals. then replacing 80% of the water. the tank looked better for a couple weeks and now is back to the same recession.
One thing I have always seen but cant explain is there is usually a small mucus that wraps around the coral right where the tissue meets the dead skeloten. it will blow off easily with a turkey baster. I finally took a serenge today and sucked some up and looked at it under my microscope. I was surprised to see just how many critters were living in it. It looked like the mucus was holding eggs. and all over the place were little critters swimming around. these by the way cant be seen with the naked eye. So my question is this. Is it possible that this a pest eating my corals, or is this a opportunistic feeder that just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If someone feels this isnt posted in the correct forrum please let me know, there really should be a forrum to discuss diseases of corals!
any input would be appreciated