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Old 12/24/2007, 06:22 PM
Sk8r Sk8r is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Spokane WA
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THank you...sounds like a good idea!
Right now I spend my time running up and down stairs [sump in basement] and trying to make sure it's all working---so far so good, but still no stir pump. It's staying in suspension marvelously well---but then I dumped one pound into 32 g. It's a lot more diffuse than in 2g [the reactor space.]

I will monitor this, get photos if it seems likely to work , and thank you all so much for your input. RHF, if you're listening, I'll hope for an answer. PM may happen after holiday.

"Make haste slowly." ---Augustus.

"If anything CAN go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible moment."---St. Murphy.