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Old 12/23/2007, 04:48 PM
bergzy bergzy is offline
Brother Maynard
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: The OC, Baby!!!
Posts: 4,082
it took me probably close to a year to catch him. i would randomly wake up at night...look around the tank with a flashlight for him...i would see him sitting there casually munching on my sps' without a care in the world.

in fits of rage...i get whatever utensil i had close at hand and try and smash and kill the bugger...chopstick, metal skewer, kent scraper with steel blade...syringes of sodium cyanide...wait, didnt have the last one.

everything bounced off him and then he would casually saunter back into the rock work.

i saw him last night right beside the side glass. no rock work in the way. i did my usual crazy frantic yelling at the top of my lungs at 2 am trying to catch the bugger...but this time...I GOT HIM!!! personally, i am in disbelief i was able to catch him. he has eluded me so many times. i got my net out and SCOOP, i got him on the first try. i have been in this situation before and missed him with the net...only to have him creep back into the rock work. 'that' was infuriating every time that happened!

luckily, his fav coral to chow down on was (i love saying that...'was') my pavona. it is fast growing and heals nicely when chewed on.

he did munch on my purple bonsai once and sometime on my green slimer...all you see are bare tips here and there. very frustrating.
...and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and...
