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Old 12/19/2007, 01:32 AM
skinz78 skinz78 is offline
Keeper of the clams!!!
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: north west washington
Posts: 579
Originally posted by chrisstie
I own a red sea max and concur - they are PC lights in the diameter of T5 - t5 is just a size of a bulb (t8, t12 etc you can find at chain pet stores for other aquarium uses and are all differently sized)
PC lighting and standard t5 ho lighting are two totally different things. the bulb dia might be almost the same but thier output is different.

T5 ho puts alot more light and it penetrates deeper.

If sps's can't be kept in a tank this small with the stock lighting then I beleve there are no clams that can be kept in it either.

In a larger tank you may be successfull keeping squamosa or derasa but these clams would quickly outgrow this tank.
Well, I'm off to give my reef a 30 min freshwater dip!!

That should fix it everything right???