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Old 12/18/2007, 07:36 PM
ReefSparky ReefSparky is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: South Florida
Posts: 89
Yes sir. Live rock. I'm doing the same thing as we speak. When I decided to go reef, I started reading here and at other forums like mad! It seems that bioballs are bad. I'm removing one bio ball a day. When the bioball tower portion of my wet/dry is vacant, all the beneficial bacteria that grew on the balls should have slowly recolonized elsewhere. Elsewhere means mostly on live rock, but tank glass, substrate, the walls of the sump/refugium, any available surface area, really. It'll be nice to be rid of those detritus-collecting balls of plastic.

Hi, my name is Larry, and I've been off bioballs for 90 days.

"God is Dead" --Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is Dead" --GOD