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Old 12/17/2007, 11:21 PM
delsol650 delsol650 is offline
Semi Reefing Vet
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Pacifica, Bay Area
Posts: 4,676
WEll, If your lucky and get your mandarin trained to eat prepared foods like cyclopeeze, vitamin enriched pellets, mysis... you should be good... Mine eats a lot of the pellets and doesn't eat off the rocks as much...

I had a 6line w/ the mandarin... for over 2 years... also is now with yellow coris, blue sided and leopard wrasses ( eats prepared foods ).. with NO prob with anyone out competing the other.
" This hobby can really give you one of the best highs and the worst lows any hobbyist can experience within a small given time".

" Charles V "