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Old 12/12/2007, 10:20 PM
RandyStacyE RandyStacyE is offline
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I don't mean to be party pooper or the one that argues, but how on earth does one determine the dwell time based very limited information?

Honestly … pump gph ratings are based on the stock pump using a paddle wheel impeller in most cases. If the air draw is not give for the skimmer then it kind of leaves everyone with a dead end. This can become complex you see because in-sump skimmers (non recirc) differ by the depth of the water in the sump (due to head pressure). Needle wheels do decrease the gph rate in comparison to the given stock gph rate so you really can’t go by gph rate to begin with … even if an elaborate formula exists to determine the air volume displacement etc...

If the manufacturers do not supply this info (which is very easy) it leaves everyone else with this chore if this info is to be put to such a list. We also have to assume that the skimmer owner etc… has the skimmer running at the manufacturer’s specifications.

Most skimmers will skim … this is a given, but some skimmer differ greatly in price which makes us wonder what truly makes the difference? Air draw does and with that so does the skimmer’s dimensions.

This list is a very nice and WELL DONE. Changes have already been made as per some constructive criticism (title headings). Good work