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Old 12/12/2007, 02:11 PM
uztaryn uztaryn is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Columbus Ohio
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I have close to 100 fish in my system and it is 1000g. I think you are wise for bringing down your fish count. Word of caution on the anthias... they will switch more males from the females. I started with 8 anthais and only 1 male and ended up with like 5 males later on. I had to buy 6 more females and one of those switched too.

I have a mystery wrasse and exquisite wrasse with no issues other than the occasional jump (they keep falling back in so far) but would agree that only 1 rabbit for that size tank. I have only one in my 500g and have 0 algea with it and the tangs.

I will have some tank raised bangai cardinals ready soon, mine have babies like nobodies business.