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Old 12/11/2007, 10:01 AM
Philby Philby is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Iowa
Posts: 275
I tested my water last night and got 0 for both Ammo and trites and somewhere between 2-5 for trates.

I only added LR about 2 weeks ago, so I can't believe that my cycle would already be done??

My initial thought when I got 0's on the first 2 tests was that since I wasn't checking salinity daily when the LR was in my garage and wasn't watching temp once I got the LR into the display (probably flucuated between 70-80) that perhaps I hadn't sustained an environment to facilitate a cycle - but then why would there be any trites??

Anyone got any ideas? Did my cycle just happen really fast?

I don't have my lights hooked up yet but I haven't really had any major diatom blooms (either the brown or the green) that everyone talks about.
Go Vols!