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Old 12/09/2007, 02:35 PM
chrismunn chrismunn is offline
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well you know what, there is an internal spring that depresses a diaphram, keeping water from flowing bakwards through the valve, and when i took it out, it increased the flow by about 3x...
while that is a little better, it still cuts the mag7's output by more than half, which isnt exactly desirable. also if your actually trying to fully close the valve without using the spring, it wont work. without using the spring, the closed valve still allowes a small trickle of water through.

how exactly could you use it asa wave maker on a closed loop though? i was thinking that you could tee the return, and on one end of the tee you could have the valve on a time to open and close every so often, and have the other end of the tee with nothing, but then there would be nothing to stop water from going through the always open end even when the valve is open. that means you would need two valves, and at $10.oo a piece, i dont think the price would be worth it when compared to a SCWD... but thats only if the valves were even worthy of this type of application, which ive proved they arent. oh well.
i found some really awsome solenoid valves on some website that i cant remember the name of, but the valves are like $400.oo +... like i would ever need it!