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Old 12/04/2007, 10:05 AM
EvilMel EvilMel is offline
Hmpfh! No more potlucks.
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Originally posted by fishdoc11
And just a FYI. I learned this year in Clinical Pathology it's not the tryptophan in turkey that makes you tired. We don't ingest nearly enough of that in one sitting to effect us.
It's actually a "post prandial alkaline tide" (a bunch of bicarbonate released into our blood as a result of a high protien meal) that gets you.
Sorry...not buying it. I eat high protein all the time and don't experience...well...crap...hang on...maybe I do. Crap. not taunt me with the sweet potatoes and then not deliver. I must have sweet potato casserole now that you've mentioned it.