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Old 12/01/2007, 12:49 AM
KniLLifer KniLLifer is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Posts: 23
Wow, believe it or not I use 190 mL of each every day to keep my calcium at 400 and Alk up at 8 DHk. I use the DIY Recepie from and going through it like water. I do space it out a bit between the Alk and Calcium but its not 30 minutes. I dose Alk in the Sump and once all the precipitation is gone I dose the Calcium part in the display in a high flow area. I'm thinking about getting a Calcium reactor becasue the dosing is getting too much.

From what it looks like we have about the same amount of SPS, you may even have more. I'm just amazed how little you dose.

Thanks for your qucik responce and your input.
