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Old 11/28/2007, 05:14 PM
neyugn0w01 neyugn0w01 is offline
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To answer your question, yes they are aggressive. However you can get aways with placing other wrasse safely in the tank. Just make sure the new wrasse is acclimated and eating before you think about placing it in the tank together with the mystery.

What I did was place my new wrasse in a net box, inside the main tank for 2 days while the mystery is swimming outside. Make sure to feed the new wrasse. Once I release the new wrasse, the mystery wrass would chase the new wrasse around for about 5 minutes. After that, no more chasing and they are both living peacefully. By the way, this is in a 65 gallon tank with 3 other fish. Good Luck

I can't say the same for shrimps.