Thread: AWT results
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Old 11/24/2007, 07:37 PM
reefkoi reefkoi is offline
Boomer gave me this
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,043
ok Boomer you win, I won't play in your forum anymore
I am very happy with my results, it seems to be accurate enough for a reef tank that's for sure LOL
I won't waste my time heading up to The Aqua Medic Distributor to try and help get you answers, I don't need them I was only trying to help you guys out.

Why call me stupid and not bright? I am very bright, and am sure my 600 gallon reef blows away your tank................oh wait your signature says you don't even have a tank LOL amazing simply amazing.

People without reef tanks are so smart! Listen to them and you will learn so so much.....