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Old 11/23/2007, 05:55 AM
Jason1520 Jason1520 is offline
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my volitan is about 6-7" and has no issues with my new porccupine puffer. I think the days are numbered for my small damsel, but that is nature...the food chain. The puffer and lion should coexist without any problems.

Like the others have said...upgrade tanks as soon as possible. I am not too farmiliar with dwarf lions, but my volitan has grown about 4" in the last month or two, and doesnt show signs of slowing down. He eats more and more every time i feed him.

Which brings me to feeding your lion. Only feed twice a week, more only if he wants it. Let him get hungry, he will eat. Also get Silversides, they love them! I was feeding krill, till someone from another thread advised to use silversides, which were a huge success.

Good luck!