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Old 11/21/2007, 11:45 AM
mesocosm mesocosm is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 414
Greetings all !

FWIW ... The blending of observations from systems applying Prodibio, Fauna Marin, ZEOvit, Blu Coral, Pappone stragey, and vodka dosing is problematic. As most of you are well aware, each of these systems/methodologies have their own characteristics, and I doubt that there is anything resembling 1:1 correspondence.

JMO ...

My "photo-acclimation" response in the other thread was my way of trying to initiate further discussion about the "alkalinity thing". You may have noticed how badly this choice crashed and burned ...

If you think about it, photo-acclimation is not too bad of an entry point into an arguably nebulous, ill-defined realm of reefkeeping ... it leads straight to the critical variables. The variables include degree of autotrophy, degree of heterotrophy, nitrogen limitation, zooxanthellae reproduction, zooxanthellae expulsion, zooxanthellae photosynthetic behavior, zooxanthellae protein synthesis, host metabolism, host protein synthesis, host stress response, and host cell necrosis.

This is not an argument for the all too accepted hobbyist-level cop-out that too many variables are in play for us to figure things out. Mine is an argument that the variables are known, and that if we post with some reasonable amount of specificity, we can go a long way towards understanding what's really going on.

But it will take some sorting through ...

For example, when we use terms like "RTN" or "STN", are we talking about tissue necrosis (death of cells), or zooxanthellae expulsion ("bleaching")? If we're talking about tips that "go white" and later recover ... we were really talking about zooxanthellae expulsion. If we're talking about "burnt tips" that preceed a specimen's decline ... we were really talking about cellular death.

I respectfully suggest that such distinctions are important, and that taking a few extra moments to make the distinction will help immensely ...


Last edited by mesocosm; 11/21/2007 at 11:57 AM.