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Old 10/13/2007, 09:28 AM
Clown-N-Around Clown-N-Around is offline
RMRC President
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Thornton, CO :)
Posts: 1,823
Originally posted by dc

For the record, it's never been against the rule to suggest stores. What is against the rules is to shill/pimp your friends, relatives, or your own stores.

Gestapo comments do little for the running of the board, get over it.
Thanks for the clarification DC - seemed some people in this thread were confused.

For a little more clarification on the RMRC side, we have a lot of hobbyists who actively participate in the club who also work at/own an LFS that sponsors RMRC. Since there is no way for RC mods to know the difference between a shill/pimp and a legitimate offer to help from a someone who fits the profile above, we have a place on for our sponsors to post. That way, our active sponsors have a voice on and no one needs to violate RC policy.