Thread: Salt mix poll
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Old 10/06/2007, 03:04 AM
ksanfranfan ksanfranfan is offline
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I use I/O. I tried red sea pro for awhile and it didnt work for me, not to say that it is a bad salt mix, but i just wasnt able to obtain the same results as i did with I/O. I dont know too many people that dont have to supplement their tanks in one way or another no matter what salt mix they use. my problem has always been keeping my alk and ph stable and that is with red sea pro or I/O. From what i can remember, most salt mixes on the market come from the same manufacturer, but have whatever elements that a specific company calls for added to it. my point is that everyone uses different water in their salt mix. depending on the treatment of the water, it can make a difference with the results of which salt mix works best for different individuals and their tanks.
I prefer instant ocean and reef crystals because they are what i've had good results with, not becuase they are the most readily available.