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Old 09/23/2007, 01:53 AM
hahnmeister hahnmeister is offline
El Jefe de WRS
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Brew City, WI
Posts: 8,639
Originally posted by skozzy1
led's do not produce heat. Possibly the power supply, but not the lamps.
That is false. LED's produce just as much, if not more heat than any other bulb on the market. Their advantage lies in that they can have heatsinks attached directly to the backside of the 'bulb' or diode, and on the higher power units, they MUST have the heatsinks or they would melt themselves. This enables the system to conduct the heat away faster than regular glass bulbs which need air convection to cool.

FWIW, the PFO I4 series will be shipping in late October. The stats loop the most promising. The reluctance by many people to accept them as a performance lighting will fade as time goes on and the LED's improve... and improve they will very fast.

Now I just wish the spectrum wasnt so '20,000K'. I wish they had interchangable LED's so I could replace the rather blue 'superwhites' for some more green and red LED's... or some 3000Ks. I just dont dig the 'monochrome blue' look anymore. I like my blue... but balanced with some daylight seems to make the corals just color up better.
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-Al Einstein

Last edited by hahnmeister; 09/23/2007 at 02:00 AM.