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Old 09/18/2007, 10:47 PM
sammy33 sammy33 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 162
I think I may have bryopsis and another algae that is more like a "tumbleweed". The tumbleweed algae is easy to remove almost coming off the sand and rock in clumps.

The other patches on the live rock however...must be bryopsis. Tough to pinch out with your fingers and a more dense low growth.

Here is a full tank shot showing the patches of algae. I had removed a good portion of the tumbleweed algae by hand. This is a "before" picture as I had a normal Mg level.

I have been double dosing magnesium sulfate and have incresed the Mg to 1470ppm over the last week from about 1320ppm. I am just about out of the Seachem Reef Magnesium (ingredients listed as magnesium sulfate, sodium, chloride) so I will get some Tech M and try to zap this stuff!