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Old 09/18/2007, 10:36 AM
PhilliePhil PhilliePhil is offline
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Posts: 65
45g Wrasse Suggestions

Ok, I have a 45 corner tank that I got from a friend for a great deal. I was also able to use about 20 gallons of water from their tank and it came with live rock, sand, etc. Basically, a cycle-less setup for a great deal.

It also came with a maroon clown that I will keep, not exactly sure if I am going to pair it up or not, thats for a later discussion.

I have asked on here about a couple angels and I was told that they wouldn't mix too well with the maroon most likely so I am going to go a different route.

I would ideally like a wrasse of some type that is reef safe and eats some algae. I saw one at a fish store locally and he ate hair algae...although I am not exactly sure he was a wrasse. He looked like a mix between a six line and a goby and I cannot for the life of me remember its name.

I am very much open to suggestions and this tank will be a reef tank eventually, so please keep that in mind. Thank you!