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Old 08/14/2007, 09:09 AM
capn_hylinur capn_hylinur is offline
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Originally posted by JetCat USA
it's messy if you're so inclined to slosh the heck out of it when making up a slurry, 99% of people are capable of doing it with minimal to no mess at all and if you test your system, find the proper dose and then add that much it's no different then any other additive/supplement you add to the system 99% of people are talented enough to do that as well, i guess your supplier is that 1%
thanks--I'll start using it---he knows I am a chemistry/biology teacher----we only slosh the heck out of our tim hortons coffee
"evrr bean to sea Billy--evrr smelled a fish?" "Aye capn..experience is the best teacher"