Thread: Motorcycle Joke
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Old 07/28/2007, 02:46 AM
monicaswizzle monicaswizzle is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Posts: 151
OK, I have one Too

So, a wing-dinger (Honda guy w/ the biggest bike), a Beemer (BMW rider) and Harley dude decided to go for a ride in the Alps. Since they all lived Stateside and wanted to take their own bikes, they took a cruise on a ship that would take them and the bikes straight to Italy. Halfway there the ship went down with only 3 survivors--you got it, Wing-Ding, Beemer and Harley dude. They all washed up on a remote desert island with nothing but a few palm trees and ocean for miles around.

They were walking along the beach, feeling pretty sorry for themselves and talking about which bike would have been the best ride in Italy. The Harley Dude was getting pretty angry and came across an empty wine bottle in the sand--He gave it a savage kick and much to their surprise a genie popped out. The genie said "Thank you so much for freeing me from years trapped in the bottle! Tell me which one of you gave the bottle a kick and I will reward that one with granting their first three wishes."

A terrible fight ensued with all three bikers claiming to be the one who kicked the bottle. Harley Dude was going for his knife, Beemer was using big words that none of them could understand and Wing Ding was trying to suffocate both of them with the stuffed animal he had rescued from his bike just before the ship went down.

"Alright, Alright!" said the genie, "I haven't got time for this. You each get one wish."

Beemer, being the smartest of the three, immediately knew what he wanted--"I wish I was in the Alps, cutting the curves on my K bike and looking forward to a fine wine and pasta dinner by sunset on the veranda of some old Italian Villa."

Poof! Beemer was gone, whisked off to Italy.

Harley Dude pushed his way up next and said--"Italy always seemed pretty sissyfied to me. I wish I was back in NY with my buds, drinking beers and looking at the old lady's newest tattoo."

Poof! Harley Dude was gone to a clubhouse in NY.

Wing-Ding looks around and says, "Gosh! I feel so lonely! I wish I had my friends back."
Ms. Swizzle (Rodney)

--Ending with Apologies to All in Advance