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funman1 01/08/2008 09:41 PM

Garage is so cold the tank is steaming!!
Took some cool shots of my frag tank steaming in the garage tonight.
It's pretty COLD out there!!




kdblove_99 01/08/2008 09:51 PM

Those heaters working OT?

I have my sump in garage also!

sagitariuscbc 01/08/2008 10:26 PM

Since it's just a frag tank couldn't one mod a icechest?-) I've seen todd (I think that was his name) from awexotics do it!-) might be worth looking into also maybe not either way I like the pics!-)


miracles38 01/08/2008 10:26 PM

dang, those heaters are working OT.

bobbyblank 01/08/2008 10:58 PM

lol, yes it is cold! I just got back from boarding up at tahoe. Almost didnt get down the mountain with the blizzard, it took about 6 hours :lol:. Where did you get that reflector? Is that a luminarc V :P.

funman1 01/08/2008 11:18 PM

Well it's got a 500W heater for 25 gallons of water so...
Actually it kicks on for about 3-4 mins and then shuts off for like 30..

The reflector I got from John (Club Treasurer) and then I have big windows in my garage and the light that was coming out both windows was lighting the neighbors house and trees up!! Like to a point when you drove down the street something looked wrong because it was SOO freaking bright!!

So I had to foil the ends to keep the escaping light under control.

Reefugee 01/08/2008 11:22 PM

You're neighbors are probably wondering what you're growing. ;)

Nice pix.

MrMikeB 01/09/2008 01:33 AM

No joke... I have my new QT system in my garage downstairs beneath the house, and literally have over 2000w of heaters going and its barely able to keep up with the delta in the ambient. I have to run a room heater just to keep the air warm enough not to sap all the heat out of the water.

I was leaving for work this AM and checked on my new arrivals and the water was a freezing 64 degrees. :( Apparently my AC3's temp probe shorted/died/etc. and was registering the water temp at 120 degrees, so it shut down all heaters. Needless to say, I am less than thrilled. As of 22:00 I JUST got the temp back to 76 - I fear the worst for my SPS colonies that were in the QT system. :( I have never had a temp probe go out like that so I was not prepared for that disaster.

bored4long 01/09/2008 01:47 AM

I had a 50 gallon and 20 gallon running in my garage until 2 weeks ago. It took a 250 watt and a 200 watt running nonstop just to keep the water 76-78*. All that just for keeping my LR until my display tank is set up. I have since moved all the rock into a Brute trashcan and wrapped the entire thing in R13 insulation. The heater almost never comes on now, the insulation works so well. I would highly recommend looking into insulating all sides of your garage tanks. You will notice a difference on the next e-bill.

MrMikeB 01/09/2008 01:54 AM

Brilliant idea Mark! With the open tops and open sump design, would you still think it will make a difference?

jtarmitage 01/09/2008 02:22 AM

It would definitely still help as you would have less surface area losing heat.

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