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30reef 01/06/2008 01:26 AM

Some pics of my tank
Here's a few pics I took tonight.


SahuaritaMike 01/06/2008 01:36 AM

Nice... with the chiller what does your temp stay at?

And how much does it add on your light bill? do you dose anything? I could ask a million ?'s sorry..


Stirfry001 01/06/2008 01:44 AM

Looks awesome! I like all the SPS

30reef 01/06/2008 01:58 AM

Here's a few more of the equipment:

And here is one of my old mixed 75g, I no longer have this though.

I do not even have the chiller plugged in at the moment, currently with the light and heater it gets to 80 during the day. In the summer, the water temp will go to 86 or 87 without the chiller, it even runs in the middle of the night too when set to 79-81.

I do not know how much it adds to the utility bill, If I had to guess I would say prolly 30 or 40 bucks a month.

The only thing I dose is soda ash in the topoff water, calcium chloride and Kent TechM once in a while. I feed the fish daily.

random_ryan 01/06/2008 02:01 AM

Very nice.

LowerUnit 01/06/2008 02:17 AM

Where does the chiller portal go?

outside - garage - ???

Malenurse 01/06/2008 02:25 AM

Beautiful tank! How long has it been set-up?

LowerUnit 01/06/2008 02:33 AM

what kind of lighting are you using?

Garage1217 01/06/2008 03:16 AM

Very nice. Your camera did a good job of showing what a 14K phoenix looks like :) My cam always make it look a shad more blue than it is.

One question, what salt mix are you useing..?

30reef 01/06/2008 03:54 AM

Thanks Guys.

I've picked these last pics out of a group of 50. I guess I shouldn't quit my day job.

The chiller portal just goes into the garage. It makes it so much cooler in a bedroom without the exhaust heat.

The tank has been running for 1yr 3mo. Nothing in the tank did anything for the first year though. Not even corallin growth.

I use a Phoenix 250w with an Icecap ballast. 400w upgrade is being tossed around when time for a bulb change in July.

I use TropicMarin Pro.

The first pic is of a milli I got from Richard(Baja), the original frag can be seen in the middle. It encrusted and did nothing for a year, then 3 months ago it began shooting up around the outer edges of it's base. It is my favorite coral now. I am watching it to see what it is going to do when it gets near the blue digi to the right and the stag in the middle. I don't want to move it for fear of a growth pattern change. It is obviously happy where it is.


kirstenk 01/06/2008 11:43 AM

Looks great. I can see some coral wars in the future and you will need to decide which route to take. Bonsai or let 'em rip. :D

badfish 01/06/2008 12:14 PM

Looks nice Keith. Im jealous.

Helfrich’s Chic 01/06/2008 12:43 PM

WOW! Tank looks great!

Philwd 01/06/2008 01:16 PM

That's looking nice Keith. Many corals will sit for months and do nothing but encrust. Then bam off they go. Watch your alk consumption. It can change drastically when the corals hit the growth spurt.

mrapisura 01/06/2008 05:18 PM

Great looking tank. I am glad you mentioned that your sps sat for a while before growing upwards because mine seem to have the same idea, encrust and encrust, but no upwards growth. There is hope.

Cory13 01/06/2008 05:35 PM

WOW, wonderful corals!

30reef 01/06/2008 07:59 PM

Thank you all for the compliments. Not many of you have seen my tank so it's good to hear you like it.

The corals have been growing at an accelerated rate lately. I am feeding more often and changing the GFO/carbon more often also. The amount of alk and calcium I am adding is incredible. Although I think most of it goes into corallin production. Elevated alk and calcium levels also do a number on the pumps. I am having to soak them in vinegar every 3 to 4 weeks or they stop running. There are still a few frags I have that havn't jumped on the growth bandwagon yet, a green slimer and a hairy stag I got from Jesse, but their bases are big so I expect some new growth soon.

I think it would be cool if we all posted dated growth pics of our reefs in a thread here. Why don't we start a FTS thread and sticky it to the top for refence? And update it regularly. Good idea?

Philwd 01/06/2008 08:09 PM

Yeah I have to soak my Korallias in the frag tank every 3 weeks.

badfish 01/06/2008 08:34 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11536667#post11536667 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 30reef [/i]
I think it would be cool if we all posted dated growth pics of our reefs in a thread here. Why don't we start a FTS thread and sticky it to the top for refence? And update it regularly. Good idea? [/B][/QUOTE]

Sounds cool to me.

Garage1217 01/06/2008 08:43 PM

Good idea. grrr.... Freakin Jesse said I would want SPS one day.. I was like.. naw man.. LPS is what I like. Then I keep looking at your tank.. DOH!

30reef 01/06/2008 09:09 PM

It's hard to leave Jesse's place and not want a tank like his in your living room also. One of these days, I will set up a bigger tank, but that may be years down the road. My 30g keeps me happy for now.

evolust 01/06/2008 09:10 PM

Very nice!

rutz81 01/10/2008 03:33 PM

Very nice looking tank!! Defintely keep posting pics as everything matures even more.

frontosa_man80 01/10/2008 05:05 PM

your tank looks great Keith! i like how much PE you have.

the stags will shoot up soon, sometime cutting just below the tip of a branch that doesnt grow will jump start gowth, sometimes.

[quote][b]Good idea. grrr.... Freakin Jesse said I would want SPS one day.. I was like.. naw man.. LPS is what I like. Then I keep looking at your tank.. DOH![/b][/quote]

yep you will turn to the darkside soon:lol:


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