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craiglanda 01/02/2008 12:30 AM

Antennarius maculatus (wartskin angler)?
Aside from them eating inverts how safe are other fish like anthias and wrasses that stay in the water column with these fish? I hear this species only get 6-7 risky would it be in an sps tank with the following other fish....
1 PJ cardinal
2 cockatoo waspfish
3 bartlett anthias
1 mystery wrasse
1 red firefish
Its a 90 gallon tank w/ 30g gallon sump/fuge dominated mainly by sps and a light mix of soft corals and some LPS. As far as inverts go i only have 2 cleaner shrimp, a fire shrimp a few emerald crabs and assorted snails. Im not to concerned with the inverts becoming a meal for the angler. The well being of my other fish are the concern. Is this species a bad idea?

craiglanda 01/02/2008 02:19 PM


RGBMatt 01/02/2008 03:45 PM

It will eat all of your fish, no matter how big they are.

snorvich 01/02/2008 04:34 PM

You got that right.

Animal Mother 01/02/2008 09:26 PM

Yeah all of those fish would be food eventually.

reefman8471 01/02/2008 09:28 PM

The general rule of thumb for keeping all Anglers is that their tankmates should be at least the length of the angler and preferably
slightly larger than the angler. So, if your established fish are larger than the angler currently they should be ok however if the angler grows larger than your current fish then they could very well become a meal. Also, never keep angler fish with fish that eat sessile inverts like triggerfish, angelfish and butterflyfish. The planton eating members of these families are ok as tank mates but the rest should be off limits as the will probably pick at the angler fish as they think it is part of the substrate. The thing I am most worried about in your tank is the waspfish. If it is small enough for the angler to eat not only would the waspfish die but it would kill the angler in the process.


craiglanda 01/02/2008 10:31 PM

The wasps were my big concern as well. The angler is roughly the same size as them so i think if i get an angler it wont be in the reef. I am just on a hunt for sometyhing interesting to add these fish caught my eye. In a species specific tank would anglers fight with other anglers?

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