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TGBrown 04/05/2007 09:18 PM

New Picasso Clown
We picked up our clown from the LFS store today after his quarantine :)

I know it's a Picasso Clown, but that's about it. Is a Picasso an Ocellaris or a Percula? There seems to be very little information online about them.
Any Picasso Clown experts here that can educate me?


GSMguy 04/05/2007 09:21 PM

its a morph of the True percula A. Percula

Grunt 04/05/2007 09:54 PM

Nice markings :D

oama 04/05/2007 10:51 PM

As GSMguy stated, it's a variant of a True Perc. A. percula.

Enjoy :)


colby 04/05/2007 11:33 PM

Good looking clown. I have one at the store right now, very personable and lots of people like it. far as experts on Picasso's go I think you got the best answer there is...:D


GSMguy 04/05/2007 11:54 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9658793#post9658793 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by colby [/i]
[B] far as experts on Picasso's go I think you got the best answer there is...:D

Colby [/B][/QUOTE]

i know im an expert and you dont need to thank ME for answering :)

JK good to see you around here Oama, send a pair to salty critter for me;)

colby 04/06/2007 02:56 AM

Lol...oh but of course...:D

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 07:06 AM

Long time no see oama...where you been? Well, good to see you back...

I have a few queations, but I will PM you because I don't want to start any rumors I have not heard firsthand and maybe you can tell me a few answers.

EMBRYOGUY 04/06/2007 07:13 AM

great tail bar :) congrats.

wawruck 04/06/2007 08:11 AM

why do you guys get them in your LPS, I asked at mine if they could get them in and the guy didn't know what I was talking about.

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 10:03 AM

ORA is the need to find a LFS that stocks ORA fish for them to be able to get picassos.

JHardman 04/06/2007 12:54 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9660690#post9660690 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cschweitzer [/i]
[B]ORA is the need to find a LFS that stocks ORA fish for them to be able to get picassos. [/B][/QUOTE]

This is not correct.

The term "Picasso" A. percula was coined here on RC a couple of years ago to describe a wildly mis/extra barred A. percula. They are found in the wild and in breeders/hobbyists tanks all over the world.

ORA is producing them, but that does not mean they are the only source for them.

GSMguy 04/06/2007 01:01 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9661968#post9661968 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JHardman [/i]
[B]This is not correct.

The term "Picasso" A. percula was coined here on RC a couple of years ago to describe a wildly mis/extra barred A. percula. They are found in the wild and in breeders/hobbyists tanks all over the world.

ORA is producing them, but that does not mean they are the only source for them. [/B][/QUOTE]

that is very true but the origional " RC picasso"(the fish with the white check on its pectoral fin) was ORAs. or was sold to ORA

they are the only predictable and reliable source, but i have seen some nice picassos here on RC some hybrids but all have been nice looking fish.

JHardman 04/06/2007 01:43 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9662031#post9662031 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy [/i]
[B]that is very true but the origional " RC picasso"(the fish with the white check on its pectoral fin) was ORAs. or was sold to ORA

they are the only predictable and reliable source, but i have seen some nice picassos here on RC some hybrids but all have been nice looking fish. [/B][/QUOTE]

No. The fish that coined the term was bought from a wholesaler in LA by ProjectReef. It did not have a "check" mark of any kind. Someone made the comment in the post by PR that the fish reminded them of a Picasso painting and the term stuck. As far as I know PR still has the fish.

GSMguy 04/06/2007 01:52 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9662339#post9662339 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JHardman [/i]
[B]No. The fish that coined the term was bought from a wholesaler in LA by ProjectReef. It did not have a "check" mark of any kind. Someone made the comment in the post by PR that the fish reminded them of a Picasso painting and the term stuck. As far as I know PR still has the fish. [/B][/QUOTE]

word up.. now i have heard two stories totally unrelated i dont doubt you

do you have a link or a pic of PR's fish i would love to see it

i know that they do come in wild caught but here in ohio we dont usually get anything like that.

thought this is a good time of year to get lucky i guess.

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 02:27 PM

I would love to see where that thread is. I will not doubt until I have evidence one way or the other...oama might be able to help us out with that question of the origination of the "picasso" name...

That being said, I did not mean you cannot get wild caught picasso's, but the chances are EXTREMELY slim. I would be willing to bet that 95% of all picasso's on the market today are either ORA's or an F2 progeny of the original ORA picasso pair.

All this being said, I never said only ORA has any picasso perc ever born, but at the same time, go to your LFS and ask to get a WC picasso and see how long it takes to get any...might be waiting forever. Now go to a store that buys from ORA and ask them to get you a picasso...chances are you'll have a whole lot more luck with the ORA retailer than the WC one.

When I said this, it was related to a question of how to get a pair...not where they originated from or where are all places I can get one.

I stand by my first post, if you want a picasso clownfish pair, go to a LFS and ask if they carry ORA products...if they do, ask them to order a pair of picasso clownfish for you...chances are they will know what you are talking about and will be able to do so(some places may have a wait or very high price tag...I've purchased mine for about $50 each, but had to wait for my first pair for over 8 months(before ORA restarted production after the hurricanes).

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 02:36 PM

I just found this old thread somewhere and you are correct, JHardman...glad I didn't doubt until I had evidence:):

Just to clarify, only the male is a WC Picasso Percula. The Female is a WC Onyx-ish (depending on your definition) Percula. And the other 99% are not all nicely barred, though the incidence of Fully Barred is higher than in other pairs.

I give Project Reef credit for coining the term, as his is the earliest reference I could find using that name. Even though it was before my time here on RC. Wish those pics were still available.

The name was picked from a discussion at ORA as to what to call these fish. At the time, there was a large influx of WC fish that were coming into the country that people were terming "Jigsaw" clowns. It was decided to call the Percula "Picasso", and to call the White Stripe Maroon "Jigsaw".

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 02:37 PM

But of course, the link is dead:) I still would love to read that article...

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 02:46 PM





colby 04/06/2007 02:50 PM

Does anyone have pics of ORA Picasso's they have had fro any length of time? I am contemplating pairing one I just ordered with an Onyx type Percula in order to get more black in the body.
From the pics I have seen of ORA's original Picassos they had lots of black.

So OAMA, hopefully you can help me out...are these Picasso's on the market right now going to grow into the black coloration of the adults we saw on ORA's website?

At any rate they are awesome looking fish.


cschweitzer 04/06/2007 02:59 PM

The picasso's darken as they continue to grow due to hypermelanization. Mine have been with me for about 10 months now and have significantly colored up and are getting darker by the month.

colby 04/06/2007 03:02 PM

Sweet. Thank you much. Any way I could get you to post some pics?

GSMguy 04/06/2007 03:09 PM

anybody have a link to that guy who had the totally black and white ora picasso?? couple months ago

colby based on this one clown, it is possible for them to develop true onyx/picasso coloration ie lots of black to go with the extra white :)

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 03:10 PM

When they first came in(last June):



Beginning of hypermelanization:

Continuing along(notice that ORA picasso babies many times get the splotchy look that you many times will not see on a WC...this is normal):

cschweitzer 04/06/2007 03:12 PM

And now filling in:




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