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Skipper 01/06/2008 02:18 PM

Tank of the Month - January 2008
This month we are featuring Stanley Genadek's (Energy) beautiful reef aquarium:


More details can be found [url=]here[/URL] or by clicking on the picture above.

Congratulations, Stanley!

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<td bgcolor="#006699" width="73%">
<center><font color="#FFFFFF" size="-1">If you'd like to nominate a tank
for Tank of the Month, click <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#FFFFFF">here</font></a>
or use the button to the right.</font></center>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="27%">[url=]<img src="" border="0" title="Click here to nominate a Tank of the Month">[/URL]

Fraggle Rock2 01/06/2008 05:23 PM

Wow. Just wow...

I can't wait until the book comes out!! Keep us updated please!

Oldude 01/06/2008 05:23 PM

Wow that is one sweet set-up. Spectacular looking reef!
Congratulations on being selected TOTM. A well deserved recognition.

ckprax 01/06/2008 05:38 PM

That is just spectacular! Congrats on TOTM!

freemchr 01/06/2008 05:43 PM

Absolutely beautiful system!

From a cost perspective what would a system such as that set you back? Something to dream for when i get a new place!

black_majik 01/06/2008 06:11 PM

How do you add corals and live rock in such a large system, Scuba Diving?

Lordhelmet 01/06/2008 06:11 PM

made me fall in love with this tank all over again. truly one of the best tanks on RC

milsaltnewbie07 01/06/2008 06:14 PM

The Most Beautiful set up i have ever seen. PLease more pics

spazz 01/06/2008 06:17 PM

congrats stan! im impressed at just how big the fish are getting. i remember when that gem tang was the size of a silver dollar and now he is huge. the corals have gottn huge too. its really neat to see thazt tank now that is all grown out and looking beautiful. this is a trully amazing reef tank.

manosdr 01/06/2008 06:31 PM

Amazing tank!!!

kfisc 01/06/2008 06:36 PM

Beyond belief! Any chance you may have a few photos of the process of building the pvc/"Great Stuff" rock structure? Just amazing- thanks.

Graf-X 01/06/2008 06:42 PM

some of the best aquascaping I have ever seen... insane setup.

invincible569 01/06/2008 06:45 PM

Love the maturity of this tank and overall size. It really puts things into perception when you have your kids in front of it. Im impressed.

malawi 01/06/2008 06:54 PM

Tank of the mth!,tank of the mth!,this is the tank of the year!!!!!wow:eek2: Monster tank.

smeese 01/06/2008 07:04 PM

If only everybody could see it in person. It is truely spectacular! Congrats on tank of the month Stan!

reefkeeper135 01/06/2008 07:41 PM

Best aquascaping I have ever seen :thumbsup: Awsome tank congrats!!!

tom obrecht 01/06/2008 07:42 PM

Congrats! Well deserved. I have followed your thread for a long time and I fknew it was only a matter of time before you got this honor. I only wish I had run across your tank before I had ordered my tank so both you and Spazz could have helped me in my build. Not nearly your size but still large enough to run across some errors that I'm sure you could have solved before they actually became issues. Anyway, good job and I look foward to more pics down the road.

Aaarrrggg 01/06/2008 08:12 PM

My word that is amazing! Gratz! :D
As black_majik said do you place anything in there?!

aaronc 01/06/2008 08:20 PM

Awesome tank.. If only there were 72 hours in a day, then I could get three more jobs to support a tank that size. Fantastic tank. Congrats.

ishmael 01/06/2008 08:31 PM

Lighting system on garage door rails.........
I have a long way to go.

Carnavor180 01/06/2008 08:42 PM

First reef tank i saw supporting a longnose filefish (oxymonacanthus longirostris) on sps, man there stunning fish.
)<((("> NICE
[IMG] [/IMG]

marshman 01/06/2008 08:48 PM

Awsome tank congrats!!!

Joshua76 01/06/2008 08:50 PM


michika 01/06/2008 09:06 PM

Congrats, its a beautiful and amazing system.

May I ask more about the book you mentioned? I'm curious as to when you think it may be released.

T Man 01/06/2008 09:08 PM

Beauty in every form, well done. T

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