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WaterKeeper 01/28/2007 04:52 PM

New-First Time on RC-Look Here for Answers
[b][color=green]New here and have a question. RC has many forums to help you enjoy this great hobby. Listed below are some key articles geared to the novice reefer. Check them out and if you can't find the answer here then ask away on the New to the Hobby forum. RC has many experienced reefers who are only to glad to help you find a solution to your reefing problems and concerns.[/b][/color]

[size=3][b]Thanks to Jonathan Bertoni and Team RC for help with this list.[/b][/size]

[b][I][size=5][color=blue][u]Setting Up a New Tank[/b][/u][/I][/size][/color]

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]The New Tank Thread[/url]

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Feeding[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Quarantine Tanks[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Refugia[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Substrate Choices[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Sumps[/url]

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp The Basic Chemistry Series
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=] 1. Saltwater[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=] 2. Supplements[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=] 3. pH[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=] 4. Chemical Accumulation[/url]

[b][size=5][color=blue][u][I]Solving Common Problems[/u][/I][/size][/b][/color]

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=] Aiptasia Infestations[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Algal and Bacterial Problems[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]High Nitrate[/url] (also useful for red slime and similar issues)
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Low pH[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Marine Ich, Parts 1[/url] and [url=]2[/url]


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Basic Lighting Information[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Facts of Light, Parts 1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], and [url=]4[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Bulb Comparison Pictures 1[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Bulb Comparison Pictures 2[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]Water Quality[/b][/u][/I][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp <a href="">RO/DI FAQ</a>
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Normal Tank Water Parameters[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]What Is Seawater[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]Live Rock[/u][/I][/b][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Beginners' Guide to Live Rock[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Let's Rock[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]Live Sand and Deep Sand Beds[/u][/I][/b][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Sand Bed Secrets[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]How Sand Beds Really Work[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]DSB Summary[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]Barebottom Tanks[/u][/I][/b][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]How To Go Barebottom[/url] [i](probably X-rated[/i] :D)

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Protein Skimmers[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Pumps, Parts 1[/url], [url=]2[/url], and [url=]3[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Sumps, Parts 1[/url], [url=]2[/url], and [url=]3[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Sumps (at Melev's Reef)[/url]

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Filtration Basics[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Filter This[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]Reef Chemistry Articles[/u][/I][/b][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Reef Chemistry Series[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]Hitchhiker IDs[/u][/I][/b][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Identification Photos[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]ReefSlides - Hitchhikers!! - Part I[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]ReefSlides - Hitchhikers!! - Part II[/url]

[b][color=blue][u]Quarantine and Acclimation[/b][/color][/u]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]An Once of Prevention[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Acclimation[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]Using ReefCentral[/u][/I][/b][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Searching Reefcentral[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Using Photobucket[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Adding Pictures to a Thread[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Posting Tips[/url]

[b][color=blue][u][I]More Biology[/u][/I][/b][/color]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Algae Identifier[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Feeding feather duster worms[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Host Anemones[/url]
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp [url=]Marine Velvet[/url]

[url=]Some additional links by mhhauser[/url]

Finally, don't forget the wealth of information in <b><a href="" target="_blank">Reefkeeping Magazine</a></b>.

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