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tekknoschtev 07/19/2005 12:01 AM

Zoanthid Information Draft
[B]If your zoas seem to be losing color:[/B]
[url=]Green Buttons Turning Brown[/URL]
[url=]Zoo Problem[/URL]
[url=]My Zoo Losed The Color[/URL]
[url=]Color Under 6,5k PC Prop System...[/URL]

[B]Zoanthid Compatibility:[/B]
[url=]So Zoa's and Rics Get Along Fine Right??[/URL]

[B]Zoanthid Growth Rates:[/B]
[url=]How Slow do PPE Grow?[/URL]
[url=]Zoo Growth Under Actinic[/URL]
[url=]ZOOS Growing??????[/URL] [url=]How Fast Do They Grow?[/URL]
[url=]Let's See The Growth!!![/URL]

[B]Zoanthid Identification:[/B]
[url=]Difference Between Zoo's and Paly's[/URL]
[url=]Are These Zoas[/URL]
[url=]ID Plz[/URL]

[B]Zoanthid Placement in reef tanks:[/B]
[url=]How Much Light Before Color Loss Occurs?[/URL] [url=]What Lighting Works?[/URL] [url=]Placement of Zoos[/URL]

[B]Hitch Hikers/Pests with Zoanthids:[/B]
[url=]Yellow Sponge taking over Zoanthids [/URL]
[url=]Nudi Eggs?[/URL]
[url=]Worm Eating My Zoas![/URL]
[url=]Small Maroon and Gold Blobs Killing Zoanthids[/URL]
[url=]New to Zoanthids... They Came with Starfish[/URL]
[url=]Predatory Snails[/URL]
[url=]Nudibranchs No More[/url]

[B]Melting/Rotting/Fungused Zoanthids:[/B]
[url=]How Do You Get Rid of White Fungus[/URL]
[url=]Anyone Have These White Spots on Zoas?[/URL]
[url=]Help, Pink Zoo's Not Opening After 2 Weeks[/URL]
[url=]Zoos Closing and Dissolving???[/URL]
[url=]Zos Wont Open[/URL]

[B]General Zoanthid Care:[/B]
[url=]Removing Nudi's and Eggs[/URL]
[url=]I Don't Have Lugol's But Will Either of These Work?[/URL]
[url=]Zoo Dip[/URL]
[url=]New Zoo Owner... Need Some Help[/URL]
[url=]Acclimation a Total Waste of Time?[/URL]
[url=]Frequent Water Changes Affect Zoas? How?[/URL]
[url=]Inspect Before You Buy!!!![/URL]
[url=]Zoanthid Mortality, A Discussion[/url]

[B]Fragging Zoanthids:[/B]
[url=]Epoxy for Zoa[/URL]
[url=]How Do I Frag My Zoo's. Some of Them are Taking Over[/URL]
[url=]Attaching Time[/URL]

[B]Cautions with Zoanthids (toxins):[/B]
[url=]HELP!!! Palytoxin????[/URL]
[url=]A Warning About Toxicity. A MUST Read.[/URL]

For an interesting gallery with many of the named zoanthids, visit

[url][/url] Created by a member on RC, and maintained

pretty well. Good identification of many different rare zoanthids.

I'm fairly confident that I havent covered everything, but I dont want to recreate the entire zoanthid forum in one post, so I 'tried' to limit myself on each section. Hopefully this is a good start, if others would like to PM me links to other threads they might find useful, I'd be glad to edit it, and after maybe a week or so, I'll throw together a finalized version that I can talk to a mod about making a sticky. I'd like this thread to be for suggestions on additions/subtractions. I only searched back maybe 20 pages in the forum, so I'm sure I've not covered everything.

whodah 07/19/2005 12:20 AM

good job! :D

Nagel 07/19/2005 06:41 AM

Excellent start!

I've already made this a sticky....

tekknoschtev 07/19/2005 07:33 AM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nagel [/i]
[B]Excellent start!

I've already made this a sticky.... [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks, this is by no means a final version, and I'm sure it'll go through many edits as I recieve ideas and comments, but heck, for a 3am project it was fun.

whodah 07/19/2005 08:25 AM

one thing that's asked quite frequently is:

where do i buy neat zoas?

there are a few threads on it... but i cannot seem to seach 'em out? i dunno... my search contains 'where buy' and i get a weird 'oops' message... maybe cause i'm using the criteria 'where' which is a mysql key word.

at any rate, a couple links to those threads would be nifty i think! :)

tekknoschtev 07/19/2005 10:06 AM

I was considering that, but isnt that essentially advertising? I suppose if the general consensus is 'go for it' then they could be added without a problem, but it might cause more problems than its worth. However, a link to the reviews (I forget the title) of the online vendors might be useful.

SuperFishy 07/19/2005 01:03 PM

woah, just noticed this, GJ tekk

whodah 07/19/2005 05:39 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tekknoschtev [/i]
[B]I was considering that, but isnt that essentially advertising? I suppose if the general consensus is 'go for it' then they could be added without a problem, but it might cause more problems than its worth. However, a link to the reviews (I forget the title) of the online vendors might be useful. [/B][/QUOTE]

i definetly see your point...

i was trying to think of what else was asked every other week or so if ya know what i mean! :)

but i definetly see where yer goin w/ that and, fwiw, am content listing or not listing that info. :)

tekknoschtev 07/19/2005 10:48 PM

We'll see, I'm glad people are participating - exactly what I'm looking for, the things that get asked EVERY week. I'll talk to a moderator and see how it works on the forums. Some businesses may not appreciate it, especially if there is negative feedback on their establishment.

Mr. Ugly 07/20/2005 03:22 PM

This is great!

my2girls 07/20/2005 09:11 PM

I agree!

BradL. 07/21/2005 02:10 PM

This is a great idea!

fishylad 07/21/2005 04:45 PM

Great thread!!!
I just got some as a gift you could say and had no idea about them or what to do with them. I found this thread and am so happy. It appears all my questions will be answered here. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Now I just need to take the next 2 days off to read all the info collected here. :D

tekknoschtev 07/21/2005 06:07 PM

Re: Great thread!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by fishylad [/i]
[B]I just got some as a gift you could say and had no idea about them or what to do with them. I found this thread and am so happy. It appears all my questions will be answered here. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Now I just need to take the next 2 days off to read all the info collected here. :D [/B][/QUOTE]

Trust me, after you spend the 2 days reading, you'll be more than hooked, and spend weeks reading. I only started our first saltwater tank 6.5 months ago, sort of mind boggling all of the information I've sucked up from this forum.

I'm glad people are finding it useful.

tekknoschtev 07/21/2005 06:08 PM

Seeing as I have lost abilities to edit the post (its more than 60 minutes old) and also considering this is a draft, I'm going to be adding things here for a bit until I feel we have enough covered to make a final draft - at which time, mods may delete the first draft.


[B]Hitch Hikers/Pests with Zoanthids:[/B]
[url=]Sundial Snails - Tiny Predators[/URL]


Its been discussed about having links to places that sell zoanthids, any thoughts yay or neigh to this? I'm not sure with sponsors and such if it would work, so I'm hoping a moderator will jump in, if not, moderators, expect a PM shortly :D

whodah 08/08/2005 07:03 PM

an edit is needed:

your 'Zoo dip' refers to the 'nudibranches no more' post reguarding that green wrasse.

it should point to:

i came across this today when referencing this thread to help someone else! :)

VERY handy, and ty again! :D

Nagel 08/08/2005 07:19 PM

zoo dip fixed...

tekknoschtev - when you gather enough info for a good update, let me know I will just edit it in..

tekknoschtev 08/08/2005 09:16 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nagel [/i]
[B]zoo dip fixed...

tekknoschtev - when you gather enough info for a good update, let me know I will just edit it in.. [/B][/QUOTE]

Ok cool. I've got a few more threds, when I get a few more than that, I'll PM you with them.

Reef Junkie 09/02/2005 07:53 PM

Great read, a lot of good info. :thumbsup:

Mrs.kbmdale 09/18/2005 12:45 AM

This is an AWESOME thread!!! :thumbsup: But what about adding or createing one for Palythoa's and ProtoPalythoa's??? I think that would also be an awesome thread/idea......


Chelsey 03/01/2006 10:56 AM

Very nice! :) I've checked your list several times for random things that I have questions on :)

becon776 03/18/2006 08:30 AM

awesome thread!

whodah 05/11/2006 10:09 AM

i'd like to submit under the section [b]Zoanthid Growth Rates[/b]

the thread titled: Serious Disscussion of Zooanthids Growth

ty! :D

jessiesgrrl 06/23/2006 10:00 AM

Woot! This was awesome, whodah!
Laurie :)

jessiesgrrl 06/23/2006 10:01 AM

Tekk- yours is a great idea too.. just so happened I was looking for Whodah's info...

Laurie :)

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