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cmc5dc 10/01/2005 11:06 AM

Previous tank water NO3=5-10PPM

Current tank water NO3=2-5PPM

Fishes fed daily w/ Brine shrimp plus ( frozen )/ formula 2 or Nori/formula 2.:D

fishman805 10/01/2005 01:55 PM

Looks like it's working....

( sheesh ) another piece of equipment to buy.......


reefclown 10/06/2005 07:48 AM

a couple of Q's.

Has anyone tried setting the drip rate from the venting outlet in the middle of the reactor's top as opposed to using the port marked 'auslauf' (ie the standard exit port) ? Would this prevent any buildup of gases within the reactor as it extracts water from the very top of the reactor ?

When setting these units up, as it recirculating, are there any benefits in simply filling and let it recirulate until it becomes anaerobic as opposed to running a slow drip rate?

fishman805 10/06/2005 09:17 AM

Good questions ... I'd like to know also ... Makes sense to "close-loop" it while it gets established.....


cmc5dc 10/06/2005 10:40 AM

The second question was a ? I had also. I spoke w/ Brian at Finsreef and they have a similar denitrator, what he recommend I do was take a 5 gallon bucket of aquarium water and let the unit recirculate for a few weeks that way your nitrites wouldn't increase while it is cycling. So yes you can cycle it in that way.

fishman805 10/06/2005 10:49 AM



ReefAddict1 10/06/2005 12:42 PM

reefclown -- Using the top outlet instead of the pump mounted one sounds like an EXCELLENT idea. I don't see why it wouldn't work either way.

kreef 10/06/2005 02:12 PM

If you recirculate it with no input it will go anaerobic/hydrogen sulphide/rotten egg smell,not a good idea.

fishman805 10/06/2005 02:29 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kreef [/i]
[B]If you recirculate it with no input it will go anaerobic/hydrogen sulphide/rotten egg smell,not a good idea. [/B][/QUOTE]

It's supposed to go anaerobic.... also my understanding is that you've got some aragonite in there the cure the acid problem..?? It's been a while since we've talked about this piece of gear....


reefclown 10/06/2005 02:32 PM

The concept is to circulate only whilst getting the reactor going, seems little point in adding oxygenated water when you are trying to create an anaerobic environment. so long as there is nitrate present you wont get hydrogen sulphide. This way when you see some gas forming at the top of the reactor it's probably time to start dripping (after the usual tests that is).

I've done things in reverse, in that I've converted my calc reactor into a sulphur reactor to see how it will operate.

When running as a calc reactor I used to drip from both the standard exit port and the central port to vent off any excess c02.

kreef 10/06/2005 02:54 PM

When running the calcium reactor from the central vent you are venting Co2, there should be no reason to use the central vent apart from start up on the su;pher reactor.

Fishman. A better word to use for conditions in running a denitrator is 'anoxic' meaning there is a measured amount of oxygen is present.

reefclown 10/06/2005 03:11 PM

do you know if these reactors produce nitrogen gas ?

Id so, then looking at the design of the reactor the central port would be the most effective way to rid the gas. I am of course assuming the purpose built sulphur version has the same core design.

Haven't finished bedding the reactor in yet, so it's all theory at the mo, hopefully a week or two and I'll have something practical to go by.

for those that have been running these for a while, what's your experience in terms of gas buildup in the reactor?

yep, should have said anoxic to be more precise.

Does anyone one run the reactor covered, so there is no light entry, and does anyone run an internal heater to run the reactor at a higher temp than the reef? Any thoughts on how this may affect the process?

fishman805 10/06/2005 03:21 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kreef [/i]
Fishman. A better word to use for conditions in running a denitrator is 'anoxic' meaning there is a measured amount of oxygen is present. [/B][/QUOTE]

I'll remember that ... thanks... But in order for this to work, there can be "no" O2 present in the reactor correct..???


kreef 10/06/2005 03:25 PM

If it is producing nitrogen gas it must exit from the outflow as i never had a buildup in the reactor.

The korralin calcium reactor and the sulphur reactor are basicly the same apart from the calcium reactor has an extra input for Co2/bubble counter

kreef 10/06/2005 03:29 PM

Fishman there has to be a small amont of oxygen for it to work properly.

cmc5dc 10/06/2005 04:37 PM

The tank water that it will use to recirculate is oxygenated therefore there is 02 present.

fishman805 10/06/2005 05:32 PM

Got it ... Thanks guys..


ReefAddict1 10/06/2005 11:08 PM

reefclown --

What does running the denitrator at a higher temp do? Is it more efficient?

jerrymlr1 10/07/2005 07:43 PM

Ok. So the denitrator has been dripping slowly for about 4 weeks. The water draining now reads 0 nitrates. How far do I open the exit tube. All the way? Faster drip? TIA.

kreef 10/07/2005 08:58 PM

How many drops per minute are you running

jerrymlr1 10/07/2005 09:13 PM

I was running 1 ps.

kreef 10/07/2005 09:24 PM

You can up it another 30 drips per minute, that would be 90, let it run for 24hrs like that, then test the drips with a test kit for nitrite,if there is no nitrite you can up again, if you get a nitrite reading back it up to the former driprate

jerrymlr1 10/07/2005 09:31 PM


jerrymlr1 10/08/2005 07:15 PM

No nitrite. Up it again to what? Say 3 drops p/second or maybe a slow constant flow?

kreef 10/08/2005 07:52 PM

Take it to 120 drops per minute. You must let the bacteria cope slowly. you will only get a fast drip rate when fully matured.

Do you have 1501 model

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