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iCam 06/28/2003 10:26 PM

finding Nemo, if you want block somebody, go to their profile, to the very bottom of the screen. It will say have an option to add them to your buddy list, or add them to your ignore list. Naturally, click "add buddy to ignore list". I have never blocked a person, so I do not know exactly how it works out. I generally never get mad at anyone on RC, because I find it hard to get mad at people when I don't even know them. Anyways, I think once you block them, you won't see their posts. I stand to be corrected though :)

iCam 06/28/2003 10:27 PM

Darn fireeater, you beat me to it :)

iCam 06/28/2003 10:28 PM

finding Nemo, don't let him get to you. Every person in this hobby has been irresponsible at one point. Starting the hobby in the first place in "irresponsible", so we're all at fault. :)

finding nemo 06/28/2003 10:29 PM

I found it
Yes it says he is blocked, but I have unblocked the person again bacause I am always interested in what everyone has to say. But in the future it will be usefull If need be. Thanks everyone for the information on this. I wonder. If I click ignore, will only I not be able to see the persons post?

finding nemo 06/28/2003 10:32 PM

Your absolutly right
I have seen some name calling on RC but I try to stay out of it. No sense in egging them on, just let them take it outside to the sandbox and fight over it like kids would. I don't mind dissagreeing but I do mind calling each other names. That really makes me boil, thats when I make sure I close RC and go have a glass of Dr pepper or something and cool off. I hate name calling. But thats just me, lol

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by nihonjin_anemone [/i]
[B]finding Nemo, don't let him get to you. Every person in this hobby has been irresponsible at one point. Starting the hobby in the first place in "irresponsible", so we're all at fault. :) [/B][/QUOTE]

iCam 06/28/2003 10:38 PM

[QUOTE]and go have a glass of Dr pepper or something [/QUOTE]

haha :D

finding nemo 06/28/2003 10:49 PM

hehehehehe. Or something
Now now, the or something would be pepsi, hehehe, what were you thinking?

iCam 06/28/2003 10:51 PM

I'd add vodka or something to the dr. pepper as the "or something", but I'm only 16, I shouldn't be saying that ;)

finding nemo 06/28/2003 10:52 PM

I am telling your mother, now, to stand in the corner and think about that young man, hehehehehe

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by nihonjin_anemone [/i]
[B]I'd add vodka or something to the dr. pepper as the "or something", but I'm only 16, I shouldn't be saying that ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

dkle 06/28/2003 11:04 PM

Scientific evidence
Hi guys,

I've been lurking around in this board for a few months now and haven't posted anything. However, this ridiculous bickering prompts this first post of mine(Yay!!!!).

I don't own any salt water tank yet but am seriously thinking about getting one (if only I know I'll stay in or move to somewhere else when school ends in a year); and therefore, am trying to read and learn as much as I can about this hobby. I frankly can't learn anything from following this thread.

My suggestion for those who belong the tang police force is: Please show us some scientific data that support your viewpoint. That way, your claim will be substantiated and people like myself will have a valuable piece of knowlegde to carry away with us. Please let us know how you come up the figure of 75 or 90 g for the minimal tank size for a yellow tang.

The closest to scientific data that I've heard is for the regal tang. If I remember it correctly, somebody studied regal tang in the wild and saw that each will cover a territory of at least 10 square feet, which is roughly the size of the 125 g tank. However, this can be argued. What if each wild individual needs that large an area because of the scarcity of food in the wild, which simply is not the case in an artificial environment.

5,10,20 g obviously seem wrong for tangs just base on their size alone, but a 55g tank for a yellow tang? Did anybody set up a 55 g and 125g simultaneously and observed some characteristics from which we can derive the well-being of the animals (aggression, growth, ich susceptibility) over a period of a few years? And how was the size cutoff decided?

Please know that I am in a neutral position and eager to learn from SCIENCTIFIC arguments from both sides. If you don't have that, then we just have to go with anecdotal evidence and our own experience. I'll go ahead and offer my own experience. I had a chance to observe an aquaintance of mine' s tank. It is a 55g tank with a blue , a yellow , an achilles, and a purple tangs. He has had the fish for more than 6 months and they were all growing nicely and haven't caught any ich. Please give me some evidence so that I can tell that guy that he is wrong or right.

One last point, and this is for Brad. Please be respectful of others' feelings. I absolutely had respect for you reading your post about the japanese tank arguement (whether those tanks are real!). You showed passion and urged other to look at the evidence before jumping to conclusion. From your tone, I can tell that you were quite insulted by others' comments. Why can't you give the original owner of this post the same respect that you command from others. And above all, an insulting response will only cause a knee-jerk reaction. Those who you criticize will not listen to you that way. If you were that passionate about promoting responsible fish keeping, surely you would find an effecitve way to get your point across!

I'll step off my soap box now!


finding nemo 06/28/2003 11:09 PM

Well said
DKLE, well said, I agree completly, lots of negs on keeping them in smaller tanks, but no evidence as to how they fair in the long l run, IE, years.

lebowski 06/28/2003 11:23 PM

[QUOTE]Dude! You're like 13 years old! And, you've been in this hobby 8 measly months! Zip it.[/QUOTE]

Hey! I got a whacky idea! How about YOU zip it, BEFORE I BREAK YOUR HIP.

finding nemo 06/28/2003 11:25 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lebowski [/i]
[B]Hey! I got a whacky idea! How about YOU zip it, BEFORE I BREAK YOUR HIP. [/B][/QUOTE]

Please read what the moderator said. Why continue to be so rude???? . There is no reason for it.

lebowski 06/28/2003 11:27 PM

Oh i'm sorry.

I wasn't reffering to the person with the tang in the 75. I was just getting back at someone who thought they could possibly get me to shut up or hurt me in some way....

And it was a poor one as well.:rolleyes:

finding nemo 06/28/2003 11:31 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lebowski [/i]
[B]Oh i'm sorry.

I wasn't reffering to the person with the tang in the 75. I was just getting back at someone who thought they could possibly get me to shut up or hurt me in some way....

And it was a poor one as well.:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

I just like to see everyone get along, we will all never agree on everything that others say and I believe that is what makes us all unique and interesting in our own way. So lets just lerk, learn and listen ,
there is so much to learn here and it can be fun if we all get along.
Thanks so much

lebowski 06/28/2003 11:35 PM


Well. I respect the man's or women's beleif in keeping a tang that grows big, in such a small environment. But the thing is, I DON'T agree, so I'm expressing my beleifs. After all, if he/she didn't want to get flamed or yelled at then he/she (you know what let's establish it as he) wouldn't, NAY!, shouldn't of had posted it in the first place.

I'm backing off from this, I will discontinue my "rude" behavior and sit back.

Good daY! :)

finding nemo 06/28/2003 11:41 PM

Thank you.
This subject has been beaten to death about tangs. People will continue to buy them for small tanks. Just state that it is not a good idea and why and move on. JMO

lebowski 06/28/2003 11:53 PM


I'll do this in one sentence.

Tangs should not be added to smaller tanks than 100g because of their tremendous size that can be reached if the tang manages to reach it in a smaller tank due to stress from crowded space and to the amount of swimming space they require, resulting in the occasional ich.

Statement: Why would you simply add a creature that requires spacious environments just for your selfish desires? It's selfish, that's what it is. SELFISH! Because of your lust for a beautiful creature that can/will end up dead due to you! Let these beautiful and delicate creatures into the hands of someone that has the proper tank size.

My job here is done, statement done, move on as you have advised.

iCam 06/28/2003 11:54 PM

What about if the tang is already small, and its growth has been stunted? Not trying to sound like a jerk, just wandering really.

lebowski 06/28/2003 11:56 PM

If the tang is already small and his growth is stunted, then it means that the tang is sick. It will probably die or live in a life of pain. This would be due to the fact of keeping it in a crowded environment.

iCam 06/29/2003 12:01 AM

I mean small as in it was young, and kept in a very cramped place for a while...but is healthy.

lebowski 06/29/2003 12:07 AM


How long is a while.

I don't know man, it would be the same as putting a normal tang in a 75.

I don't know if the tang would be healthy.....

iCam 06/29/2003 12:09 AM

I'll just stop there and wonder on my own. I am out of it, and I'm just confusing myself :)

CaptainNemo 06/29/2003 12:49 AM

My LFS has about 50-60 yellow tangs in a 75.. Im not kidding.

They will leave them there until the last one is sold, and then just fill it right back up again. Granted they move at a rapid clip, and ALL of their Saltwater Tanks are on the same water system, (2000+ gallons I think), but I still believe this to be very wrong.

The guy does have intentions of moving to a 125, so I dont see the problem. Quite honestly, he could keep him there probably for some years, with no problems. Of course Im a newbie at this, though not as new to the hobby as the amount of posts I have would suggest, so what do I know.

Then again, my newborn happens to be in the smallest room of the house (The nursery), and yes she will outgrow it in a few years, and I will have to make the move accordingly. Until then, please dont call DSS on me.


kate012076 06/29/2003 02:40 AM

I don't think you are irresponsible. I saved a blue tang from a 10 gal. shared with many others from the lfs. And I do have issues. I have spent alot of time on R.C. trying to deal with the ick and I have been scolded a bit. I just learn from the people who are trying to help me. And I do the responsible thing once I can extract it from all the comments. All of them were learning at some point too. We are just lucky to have such an advisary in R.C. at this time in our experience.
Keep feeding him as you are and try to keep him as stress free as possible. Water quality, water quality. I am sure your wife will become as addicted to the personality of not only him but most swf and be behind you in most of you endevors in the hobby. Maybe you can even get her to go diving. I am still working on that one.LOL.
Good luck.


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