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DrBDC 01/04/2007 07:49 PM

I can't say I noticed any difference. I added enough to raise my potassium by 150 and yet the expensive junk test barely changed it's reading. I'm not going to keep dumping more in when I know how much I added.

Bebo77 01/04/2007 09:21 PM

how much have you added? it takes alot to raise your K+ level...

DrBDC 01/04/2007 09:31 PM

227 g of KCl and the test only showed a difference of 25-50. It should have been enough to raise it by about 150. Randy even verified this number too. Since I know the "tested" levels in IO I don't want to add more since it should be about 400 now.

ahchung 01/04/2007 09:57 PM

I would really like to know how much SPS non-zeovit reefers note any improvement in color after raising K to NSW level?

So far it seems to me that the answer is none.

Bebo77 01/04/2007 10:09 PM

how hard are you reading the test? i had the same problem as i was hard on the test... now i just read it in the livingroom with the light on and i noticed my results going up.. but again its not an easy test to read....

DrBDC 01/04/2007 10:29 PM

I wonder if I can see TOO good and it's making me see the bar through the solution down to a level lower than I should. Should I cross my eyes a little bit? Read it with the only light being a bic lighter?

sangraal 01/04/2007 10:39 PM

Yeah !!! I don't know if the test even works, I test the K-Balance straight out of the bottle, still didn't register any reading on the test.... I even tried the Concentrate bottle they now sell a few weeks ago... no luck....

DrBDC let meknow if the cross eye thing works I may try that next.

Bebo77 01/05/2007 12:35 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8899768#post8899768 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DrBDC [/i]
[B]I wonder if I can see TOO good and it's making me see the bar through the solution down to a level lower than I should. Should I cross my eyes a little bit? Read it with the only light being a bic lighter? [/B][/QUOTE]

lol you dont have to cross your eyes but dont read the test so hard.. i asked the exact question on the zeovit forum as i was having the same problem. use the little piece of paper that has the circle cut out of it and put that between the water sample and the color chart. Start at 400 and move the piece of paper together with water sample up and down over the color chart... do this until you have a hard time seeing the color chart below... now mark your spot and get your results.

Jason McK 05/02/2007 10:47 PM

Has anyone read any new articles. It's been quiet on the Zeo front. I have again begun to actively find a dosing schedule that will keep my K at or around 400.
I have let it fall off and have slowly seen my corals loose the vibrant deep blues and purples.

BTW I'm a full ZeoHead


jamesdawson 05/03/2007 11:59 AM

Does anyone have any experience with this new colorimeter?

It has a Potassium test that might do the trick, albeit expensively.


Jason McK 05/03/2007 12:53 PM

do you have a link to it?


Canarygirl 08/17/2007 02:01 PM

Are there any updates from Zeo-users who also dose (or dosed) with pure KCL powder such as the NOW brand from healthfood stores?

I posted a question about this on the Zeo forum because I don't want to spend $100 on Zeo's K-Strong and one person said that this health-food product killed everything in his tank including fish, corals, and invertebrates. No one else contradicted him. But people here have said that the KCL powder worked just fine for them. It makes me scratch my head... :confused:

As for new potassium test kits, Fauna-Marin will begin shipping to their distributors on September 1st, a new potassium test kit and a new potassium supplement. I plan to try their kit as I don't trust the Korallen-Zucht test either.

Bebo77 08/17/2007 02:17 PM

i still use it to this day with no ill effects...

Canarygirl 08/17/2007 02:25 PM

Thanks for your reply, Gabriel. Are you a full zeo-user using the rocks aka the "basic 4"?

Bebo77 08/17/2007 02:53 PM

full on Zeo...

Jason McK 08/17/2007 06:15 PM

I used the health food store brand and killed 4 fish.

Now I will openly admit I far exceeded the daily dosage and now believe (from what I've read) It was the rapid increase of K that caused my problems.
I still believe in the Potassium Chloride form and will resume using it once I figure out the easiest way to figure out a dosage.


jamesdawson 08/17/2007 06:24 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9868571#post9868571 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jamesdawson [/i]
[B]Does anyone have any experience with this new colorimeter?

It has a Potassium test that might do the trick, albeit expensively.

James [/B][/QUOTE]

Sorry I didnt include a link-here's one.


cayars 10/01/2007 10:08 AM


HBtank 10/04/2007 01:09 AM

Bump... I see people recommend this, especially for montis, and want to see why?

Anyone dose and see an effect?

Canarygirl 10/04/2007 12:31 PM

from what I understand, montis that look pale and bland are an indication of low potassium levels in the tank. My montis look great though, and my potassium level is where it should be so I can't complain (~380 ppm). :)

HBtank 10/04/2007 02:34 PM

That leads me to the next question... testing and toxicity..

From what i understand, there is no accurate test kit available. in my research and this thread, the KZ one leaves a lot to be desired. How did you get the value of 380ppm? From what I understand, it is not KZ, just the inherint difficulty in testing for K.

If someone were to try dosing, how can they reliably do so (if the KZ kit is really as unreliable as people have stated) and what are the possible side effects from an overdose??

I am thinking trying it as I have a monti or two that are paler than I like..

Some may say waterchanges are sufficient to replentish any that could be used.. Well some people also say the same about calcium/alk/mag.

Lol.. my tank requires over 150 ml of each 2 part a day to stay static so I don't really like generalizations like that as an "answer" without more detail on its rate of usage.. It could be only used at 1/100th of the rate of alk/Ca and be insignificant for most everyone that is barely dosing alk/ca/mg, but what about tanks with high demands..... It would seem some tanks could easily pass the generalization of "waterchanges will replace it"...

I have some very large colonies of montis FWIW, 5 diffierent varieties that are all about as big as a 8' plate, only one is a cap and the rest are encrusting.

Canarygirl 10/04/2007 03:03 PM

I use the KZ test kit. It's not overly accurate but it gets a little easier to use the more often you do the test. Fauna Marin has supposedly come out with a potassium test so I thought I'd try that one next.

My K+ value was ~320 when I started measuring. I dosed with the KZ Balance product, slowly and gradually over the course of a month. I used pretty much an entire bottle of that supplement to raise my level to ~380. I don't know the effects of over-dosing are, so can't answer that.

Warner Marine has come out with a balanced ionic K+ supplement which is lots less $$ than the KZ product. They don't have a test kit, though.

Some salt mixes have much higher levels of K+ than others, so one thing you can do is choose a high quality salt mix with NSW levels of Ca, K+, Alk, etc. I use Seachem Reef Salt which is good in those elements but tends to be low in Mg. I run some Mg granuals in my Ca Rx to compensate for that.

jamesdawson 10/04/2007 04:13 PM

Good points HB and CG,

I tested my KZ potassium test against the Fauna Marin multi-test reference solution and found my KZ kit to read a whopping 115 low! Now I don't know what to believe but I will definetely get one of the FM potassium kits and compare that. I did pick up some of the WM potassium supplement. I love WM products in general but I wonder if this is much less concentrated then the KZ k-balance strong. Maybe more like the regular strength k-balance?

FM is also coming out with a potassium supplement and I have always found their products to be highly concentrated so this will give us another option. I suspect the lowest cost way to maintain proper potassium is to do weekly water changes with SeaChem Reef Salt or KZs RBS if you can find it and afford it.


HBtank 10/04/2007 11:05 PM

I am thinking of making the switch to seachem reef salt from RC.

What is the best kit to compensate for the borate? Or do most just use the general 1.5 off of Kh?

Seems like that would be difficult to really trust until I have switched for long enough to be fully seachem, right? And that point would be hard to determine......

jamesdawson 10/04/2007 11:19 PM

Salifert makes a good boron kit, but running 1.5 dkh higher than formerly will work just fine also.


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