View Full Version : Please help with Bubble trouble!!

12/20/2006, 11:34 PM

This is a picture of my bubble that I got from Dr F&S today. The water was tinted orange and it had slime all over. The water also smelled "fishy". I did the normal acclimation. The bubble was this way the whole time. What is wrong? What should I do (if anything)? Is it going to die?

The stringy stuff in the middle breaks off and floats around the tank. The center hole has not closed up yet, but the bubbles have expanded a bit. It has even moved from a previous spot I put it.

If the picture thing doesn't work.....I'm sorry. New to the picture posting stuff!!!!

12/20/2006, 11:49 PM
Picture works fine. I have never had an anemone die on me like this (had one that got sucked through a PH). It looks like your BTA is falling apart from the inside out but if your saying its reinflating it might be coming back. BTAs are very hardy and can take a lot of hits. It might surive. My fear is that it dies overnight and it causes a dramatic ammonia spike in your tank. Do you have anything in your tank that is sensitive to water parameters?

12/20/2006, 11:58 PM
Nothing overly sensitive.
-turbo snails
-hermit crabs
-powder blue tang
-orange spotted watchman goby
-neon goby
-green chromis
-sixline wrasse
-cleaner shrimp

I just turned out the lights and it is now moving around.

12/21/2006, 12:08 AM
it got too stressed from the shipping i would send back or keep a close eye on in case it dies and you run into trouble

12/21/2006, 12:09 AM
what kind of lighting do you have?

12/21/2006, 12:10 AM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8797719#post8797719 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by amaya
it got too stressed from the shipping i would send back or keep a close eye on in case it dies and you run into trouble

You can't send an anemone back. Even if you could, that would be sentencing it to its death.

12/21/2006, 12:13 AM
power compact lighting (4x65 watt) and normal strip lights (2x40 watt). tank is 75 gallons. Bulbs are all new.

12/21/2006, 01:28 AM
I would definitely give it a chance, but maybe get up once or twice at night to make sure it is not dead and polluting the tank... Good luck :)

12/21/2006, 12:51 PM
wow...i hope it makes a come back...if it doesn't....it'll definitely impact my decision to buy livestock from dr f&s.

12/21/2006, 01:12 PM
Is it still alive?

12/21/2006, 03:05 PM
I would contect dr fosters smith IMMEDIATELY, and send them that picture. For one thing they are extreamely easy to deal with as far as getting store credit for theyre mistakes, and two, that nem is not doing well at all. Its spitting out its own guts (noodles)

Your going to have a sleepless day or two, but you need to keep an eye on it. If it starts deteriorating from the foot up, remove as much as you can right away.

Mine always moved at night too, never during the day. Let it go wherever it wants.. EXCEPT head on into a powerhead intake. Make sure these are blocked esp. during this critical moment. Dont shut em off, because its trying to find the right flow for itself.

When Mine went beserk Id set a timer at night so I could check on it a few times.

If you dont have luck. have smiths refund you.

I was at phishy business yesterday, (HAD to see theyre 450.00 red carpet!!) beautiful by the way!! But they also have 2-3 SUPER healthy Rbtas!! a few green ones too, but these red ones are in suburb health. Id check there if you need to replace the one you have
( phishybusiness.com )

Wish your nem the best!!! Hopefully it closes its mouth tite!!

You can read a bunch here too..


12/21/2006, 08:41 PM
When I first saw your picture, the first thing I said is that it looks just like mine did when it arrived tuesday. I was afraid to put it in my 90g tank. I did the drip and put it in my qt, which I keep set up at all times. It attached to a rock. Yesterday it was upside down on the sand and there was white stuff floating all over the water.

I called Foster & Smith when I opened the bag and they credited my account for the anemone, but not for the shipping.

12/21/2006, 09:54 PM
I contacted them right after I opened the bag. They said give it time, but that they noted my account if it dies. They have been GREAT about refunding!!

I couldn't find it this morning, but did finally locate it behind a rock. There was a white film on the rocks near it and it appeared wilted. I tried to take it out, but found out it was attached to the rock. Must still be kicking.

I am having a hard time monitoring it back there, but am doing my best. I can't tell if the hole closed up. I'll keep ya posted.

12/22/2006, 04:55 PM
how does one know when it has completely croaked? At what point should I remove it? This sounds morbid, but does anyone have pictures of sick or dead BTA's. This would help me know!!


12/22/2006, 06:12 PM
When the insides are coming out, or if its falling apart (literally).

12/24/2006, 05:54 PM
wwwweeeeeelllllllll.............it died :( I went to take it out and it fell apart and went ALL over.....I ended up sucking what I could out. My cleaner shrimp bit the dust :( I had it for 4 years!!!! The water stunk so I changed the charcoal and did a 15 gal water change (75 gal tank). Do you think this will spare the rest of my fish, or am I doomed? I'm VERY stressed out by this whole situation!!!!!!!

12/24/2006, 08:46 PM
oi I know your stress. everytime my nem gets weird all I do is worry. Mine is walking around agian after 8 months :(

Did you call fosters? what did they say?

You did the right thing, water change and carbon and suck out anything you can.

Mix up another batch of water asap, the more you can make the better. Point a power head strait up in the bucket to get it real oxegenated and mixed real well. You can use it within 8 hours in an emergancy.

The longer it sits the better, but do another water changte in the morning at least

12/25/2006, 12:52 AM
I got an RBTA from F&S as well. It also died. No problem with getting a refund. I've ordered quite a bit from them and the only real problem seems to be with 'nems. I only buy them locally now. I don't think your doomed. Just follow tourkid's advice-I would change the carbon if the smaell remains as well. Should be ok.

12/25/2006, 01:14 AM
Drs foster and smith were GREAT. They refunded my money and are going to send a new one when it comes in.

My water change was a half a@@ one. Was done in a rush before work today..... I will be checking it tomorrow. Checked nitrates and ammonia.....not high.....not sure what killed the shrimp.....they on sale at Drs F&S though!!!!!!

My wife monitored the tank and said all fish appeared fine as of tonight....I'll check again when I get home...

I'm going to try one more time with DRFS and if it doesn't work again I'm going local for anemones

12/30/2006, 01:52 PM
I got my new/replacement bulb today. Here is a picture.


What do ya think. Look ok? Would this be considered a "Green" BTA. What can I do to try and get my clowns to like it.

This thing stuck to my hand, a snail, and then here before I could get it placed where I wanted it. It would grip on to everything it could!!!!! Now it is here and my clowns dont really go in this area.

Drs F&S were really great about the whole issue!! I just wish they had everything I wanted in stock on MY schedule!!!! hahaha

12/30/2006, 03:03 PM
It looks WAY better than your last one they sent you!! It does seem bleached though. But its not a panic situation. You just need to keep your water quality up and feed it at least 2 times a week. (I like to feed mine a lil chunk of silverslide every third day, defrosted in tank water first)

Looks like a nice size and healthy. Once it starts to un-bleach you'll notice it getting much darker in color.

12/31/2006, 11:11 AM
yeah, F&S are really good about their 14 day guarantee. Have your clowns noticed it yet? If they are anything like mine they won't notice it until they are right next to it (pretty much touching it). I like to wait a week or two before helping the clowns out. It gives the 'nem a chance to settle in and get adjusted before being "attacked". I usually just guide the clowns over to the 'nem with a net or something when I'm ready. At least in my experience, they will dive right in once they touch it (assuming not tank bred). I like to feed mine daily (especially if it is in a spot I want it to stay at) for the first week-then I do 3 times a week. A small chunk of silversides (about a quarter inch) should be good. Once acclimated, you can mix up the foods a bit to see what else it will take. I think it is easier to not defrost the silversides-they defrost very quickly in the tank. Seems to draw much less attention from the shrimp and other critters when defrosted-also doesn't break apart.

12/31/2006, 12:25 PM
My clowns are tank bred. The nem is no where near where they hang out. I thought about trying to feed the clowns near the nem thinking then they might notice it. I also read on a post somewhere on RC to put a clown food clip in or near the nem to get them in there. Never tried that one, but might be worth it. The nem really seems to like where it is since it hasn't moved at all since I put it in. :strooper: