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View Full Version : Foxface Lo Issue- Overreacting?

12/13/2006, 09:09 PM
I have a foxface lo in my 58 gallon oceanic aquarium. I have ~55 pounds of live rock. I have an aquac urchin skimmer, and a fairly large 7 gallon (in sump) refugium. Recently, my foxface has been swimming less, and hiding behind a few pieces of rock more and more. When the fish does come out, i notice that there is a large prominent brown to black stripe running below the dorsal fin. I know that this is usual for this species, but i am starting to worry about the fish. This has been the first time that the stripe has been so dark, and appeared for such a long time.

My water parameters are as follows:

-Specific Gravity (sg): 1.025
-Ph: 8.3
-Alkalinity: 3.0 meq / liter
-Calcium: 420 ppm
-Phosphate: Unreadable
-Nitrate: ~3 ppm
-Nitrite: Unreadable
-Ammonia: Unreadable

I also do weekly water changes (~9 gallons)


Link to liveaquaria.com (http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=687)

Is this normal for this fish? I understand that this fish can appear to be sick when it is not (i have read this), but this seems to be more serious.

Thank you for your help,

12/13/2006, 09:20 PM
My foxface gets a little skiddish around strange people. Any new faces around? How long have you had him? probably nothing to worry about.

12/13/2006, 09:29 PM
I do have a new six-line wrasse, but the two fish almost never cross paths.

12/13/2006, 09:41 PM
LOL Actually, I meant outside the tank. I don't think the 6-line would pick on someone much bigger than him. If the foxface is fairly new, he might need to get used to his reflection in the glass. Does he "flex" his spines when he sees his reflection?

12/13/2006, 10:53 PM
You will not believe this....... But I had a foxface for years got to be a honest 10 inches. Was always canary yellow and would sometimes have the spot and other times not. One christmas we put the tree next to his tank. After the holidays we took down the tree- and he went half black as your foto shows. And he stayed that way for well over a year. He finally did go back to normal color- but never again had the black spot on the side. Occasionally he would half black- but never long term like he did that once. It does strike me as odd that yours has exibited this behaviour now at the holiday season.

12/14/2006, 08:06 AM
I knew what you meant, but there have not been new faces on the outside of the tank either.

12/14/2006, 08:17 AM
we really dont know what scares or fish and what doesn't. a christmas tree, a new visitor, a new tankmate.... I am guessing even though you dont see the sixline and foxface interacting, that is what he's upset about. If thats all thats changed, then thats what its got to be. just keep an eye out for other health problems- ie- fin damage, ick, etc. the can be caused by or be symptoms of stress.

12/14/2006, 11:08 AM
I have been having a foxface far a little over a year and a half now, and everyone once in a while he will go into defense mode, with all his spikes reared up. He does it right before i feed, then he realizes im feeding and goes back to normal. and i also hav seen him with a patch of black accross the top half of his body, i never thought it was anything to worry about.

12/14/2006, 03:50 PM
thanks for the input everyone. I have noticed that hehas been swimming more today though.
