View Full Version : cottony substance on pagoda coral?

12/10/2006, 10:51 AM
The first coral I ever put in my tank (green pagoda cup),seems to have something wrong with it......producing slimey trails, and I just started noticing what looks like tiney white cottony dots- around the edges ofabout 1/3 of the craters where the polyps come out.
The polyps still extend everyday -like normal but.....the slime trails
and the cottony spots...something MUST be wrong?
Does anyone have any idaeas about what's happening- or what steps I need to take to insure the corals health and survival?
Sorry no pics as my putter is not working and I'm using some one else's lap top to ask the question.The cottony spots are very small and almost look like the coral has the fish parisite -ich!
water params:Ammo-0,trite-0,trate-undetectable,alk-12.2 dkh,cal-450,Mag-1320,Phos-undetectable.
I do a 10 gal water change each week (tank 112gal)-lights:
two 250 10k mh with two 90w super actinic vho.
I feed cyclop-ezze- oyster eggs,mysis,and phyto.
Everything else in the tank looks fantastic! :rolleye1: :confused:

12/10/2006, 10:53 AM
Do you have any LPS nearby that could be effecting it? Specifically frogspawn, bubble, torch, hammer, etc (basically any very agressive species)

12/10/2006, 11:21 AM
I have a neon yellow frogspawn and a pink tip hammer- both on the other side of the tank- no way any sweepers can reach the pagoda- it's on a rock pinnicle all by itself.
Do the other corals produce some sort of toxin in the water coloumn that could affect it ?
The hammer has been in the tank only about a week less than the pagoda so I doubt its the culprit- the frogspawn a more recent purchase.
The problem started before the frogspawn entered the tank.

12/10/2006, 11:25 AM
I also had forgot to mention.....
I had a LTA that did grow sooo large it was able to start touching
(stinging) the pagoda on one edge. As soon as I saw it happen I ditched the LTA. That was 3 weeks ago however, I never saw it sting the pagoda where the cottony patches are occuring.

12/10/2006, 04:54 PM
really want to save my coral b u m p