View Full Version : Anemone splitting?

11/19/2006, 06:18 PM
Do anemones ever split from the mouth? I have two BTA's in my 72 gal that within two weeks of each other developed a hole all the way through the foot and the base where the mouth should be. The one that started first is now just a doughnut, and looks like snot during the day and inflates during the night. The other one just started this morning. Is this normal or is there somethin I should be lookin for? I feed both of them every 3 days with pieces of shrimp.

Ammonia - 0
nitrates - 5
nitrites - 5
pH - 8.2
Alk - 7.5
Calcium - 485

11/19/2006, 07:48 PM
got calcium much i think they are in trouble got pics?

11/19/2006, 11:17 PM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8580723#post8580723 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy
got calcium much i think they are in trouble got pics?

Translation: You have high calcium in comparison to the rest of your stats. He thinks they might be in trouble. Do you have pictures? ;)

I would agree on the calcium part. It's on the extremely high side, and your alk is dangerously low in my opinion. Whether that is the cause of your issues is a completely different matter...

11/19/2006, 11:27 PM
Yes, BTAs tear/split via the mouth. However, the entire splitting process should take no more than a few hours. If your anem has been this way for over a day, you're probably in trouble.


11/19/2006, 11:30 PM
rokie you know what im saying i just noticed the calcium i also thing they are in trouble becouse the look like snot and well they shouldent both split at the same time

11/20/2006, 12:05 AM
I'm just concerened about your nitrites. anything over zero after the tank has cycled is of concern. Your ammonia levels look good so I'm confused about your nitrites?? If you've done anything to remove bacteria lately (rinse spounges in FW, remove macro algae and/or a significant waterchange) you might want to replace them in a hurry to discourage any death. there are spounges and media that could help you with the nitrite problem.

11/21/2006, 08:08 AM
no, I don't have any pics of it at the moment. Well the one that started second has just kicked the bucket, and has spiked everything like crazy. Any ideas on how to get the levels back down?

11/21/2006, 10:36 AM
Start removing any waste, and do as large of a water change as you can. If you can't do a large change, do as many small changes as you can (less effective).

11/21/2006, 10:51 AM
i had a good size carpet melt in my 300 and it freaked everything out i did 110gal water change on the tank and still have to do more as my ammonia isnt exactly 0 yet its at .01 or so. my nitrates tho i cant seem to get them down and i have tried everything even upgraded to a skimmer thats for a 1000g tank its 5ft tall and still catching trouble.

good luck either way