View Full Version : Hey there rochesterians!

06/29/2002, 11:49 PM
Just wanted to drop you guys a note to say hello and see how everyone is doing.

From the looks of Andy's pictures you had some great weather in which to enjoy the AMAZING gardens today.

The move didn't go as well as I had hoped, I had a maxijet malfunction in one of the coolers the night that I arrived and it claimed about 30 of my SPS. I also lost my beloved hawk due to my own stupidity but everybody else faired pretty well. The Achilles and powder blue didn't mind the trip at all, they were still eating out of my hand as soon as I put them back in the tank.

Last Sunday I got back from camping in the middle of a 6 hour power outage and then had another on Tuesday (they don't trim the trees around the power lines up here) so I ordered a battery back-up system and met a guy who has a generator that I could borrow if need be.

Burlington is unreal, every day that goes by I like it more. I've either been kayaking, hiking, boating, or going out every day since I arrived...it's like they built a city just to fit what I wanted. Work is also going well, it's about 1000 times better than being a med student.

I have an extra bedroom and a beach so if any of you get a free weekend you're always welcome.

Well this is a pretty long post (as usual) so I better get going. Stay in touch.


06/30/2002, 04:28 AM
Hey Todd:

Sounds like life is sweet. Few things are better than living where you want with people you like. But I'm confused, boating, kayaking, hiking????? Aren't yo a first year resident. You're not even supposed to sleep, much less have fun. Anyway, really happy to hear things are going so well. We all missed you at Charles' place and hope you can make it back here once in a while. Best regards.

06/30/2002, 05:36 AM
Todd, Great to hear from you. I tried call the other day, but will be busy all day today. Maybe we can hook up Monday night. I'll call you then.

Sad to hear about you loosing some corals and your hawkfish. Some fallout is to be expected during a move, especially that distance. I would be glad to donate to the Todd Whitman Coral Reef Disaster Relief Fund. I don't have many SPS however. Check out my site and see if there anything you need. Keep in touch, man.


06/30/2002, 07:40 AM
Hey Man, glad to see you're still alive. Tried playing phone tag w/ your VM the other night, but you must have been doing one of the afforementioned activities ;-)

Glad to hear your settled in and doing well. You know I've got quite a few pieces in my reef from you, so as soon as you can make the trip down you'll get some of those 30-corals back.
You've got to tell me more about this Beach... I thought Burlington was a mountain town?

- Mac

Gary Majchrzak
06/30/2002, 08:00 AM
Todd: I've been wondering what you've been up to!
Nice to see you post again! How is the baby doing? {!};)

06/30/2002, 09:08 AM
I hear ya about being a first year, we get a few months of "electives" and I was one of a few who started with one (dermatology) which basically means 40 hour weeks for the first month (I'm psyched cause it gives me a chance to settle in).

I'm headed up to Montreal on Monday for the day but I'll give you a shout later in the week. Glad to see your site is up, I'll give it a look later.

Burlington is on Lake Champlain so there are beaches everywhere, the view from my beach is really cool as it looks across the lake at the high peaks of the Adirondacks. There is also another aspect of Burlington that I know you will TOTALLY enjoy ;)

The baby bangaii is doing AWESOME! She/he moved from the nano into the main tank and is doing quite well there, my tricolor made it and she/he constantly guards it. Thanks again for the fish, one of my co-interns loves the bangaii and looks for it every time she is over here.

Hope to make it out to Ra-Cha-Cha soon after the birth of baby boy Playfair and I look forward to seeing you guys. I'm going to work on my new website as soon as my camera gets back from repair and I get a rainy day, I'll let you know as soon as it's up and running. It was great to wake up and read this thread...it's amazing how quickly things change. Talk to you soon.


06/30/2002, 10:47 AM
I was wondering when we were going to hear from you again too.

" I would be glad to donate to the Todd Whitman Coral Reef Disaster Relief Fund. "

I would be glad to donate some of your frags back too but unfortunatly the flat worms are doing great like everything else
but I have some shipping boxes to donate If any one needs some for the disaster relief fund just e-mail me.

I'll send some pics of the tank soon. every thing is doing great I havn't lost any thing yet from day one exept a suicidal fish "knock on wood"

see ya and keep in touch Mark

06/30/2002, 09:23 PM
Hey Todd, its good to know your still alive. It sounds like your getting plenty of fresh air to say the least. Club meetings arent the same without you. Did you find any good shops or reefers yet?

06/30/2002, 09:32 PM
you where missed at least by me at the club meet... its great that most all is going well for you and i hope it goes great forever but we miss yah here in rochester... you where a great asset...