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View Full Version : Why would my other fish be attacking my bi colored angelfish

10/04/2006, 07:50 AM
Hi Again

I have just purchased a small bi colored angelfish and several fish like my Yellow Tang, Coral Beauty, Blue Tang are attacking it Can anyone tell me what to do before I lose it overnight and why this is happening????

Very Stressed


10/04/2006, 09:57 AM
Well the coral beauty and the bi color are in the same genus so depending on how big your tank is, how long the coral beauty has been established, and how much bigger he is than the bi color.... any of those could answer for him...

I really cant answer for the tangs as I've never had problems with tangs aggrevating any of my angel. It could just be a territorial thing and the bi color being the "new" guy.

I've housed a coral beauty and a flame angel together along with a yellow tang. the coral beauty was established first and picked on flame for about a day, but i never seen the tang get feisty.

Well, just wanted to state my experience, hope you get it under control... let us know how it turns out.