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10/03/2006, 12:36 PM
Well I am working out the details on how I want to set up my new tank. I would like to have a sump with a refugium but my tank is not drilled. How well do HOB overflows work. Also my tank is 100g what would be a good size sump to use?

10/03/2006, 12:53 PM
U-tube overflows work great. The "siphon-wall" or wier style overflows are prone to fail because the water does not move through the siphon path fast enough.

I have had no problems and no air trapped in my u-tube overflow. The other styles require a powerhead or pump to keep air out of the siphon. It is just a flood waiting to happen

10/03/2006, 01:05 PM

Yes, U Tube overflows are the way to go. Lifereef makes the best in the industry. Very reliable, and great flow.

BUT....since the tank is not set up yet, I would drill it.

10/03/2006, 01:25 PM
i would also encourage drilling the tank. i have an overflow box that works ok, but i still have some problems with air getting trapped in the U tube. seems that when i first start the siphon, there are air bubbles that come from the overflow and as they move through the tube, some of them stick to the walls and inevitably catch other bubbles with build into a large bubble that restricts the flow of water. it doesn't stop it, but does slow it down. in addition, by drilling, you can establish the amount of flow you want to have instead of relying on the gph rating of the overflow.

10/03/2006, 08:17 PM
cowpilot.....I am in Abilene too....I can not find any other reefers here in Abilene lol......If I was you I would drill your tank.....The bigger the sump/fuge the better....

10/03/2006, 08:20 PM

10/03/2006, 08:26 PM
Hey...I am glad you asked this question. I will be setting up my 180 gal. once I move around the first of the year and was wondering how to do something like this without having to drill my tank.

I am also glad to know that there will be some fellow reefers nearby once I move. (I will be moving to Hamlin).

Are there any good LFS's in Abilene?

10/03/2006, 08:30 PM
I use a LifeReef HOB overflow, it works great, I have never had a problem. But, like mentioned before, I am limited to how much flow I can have on my return and how much water/how fast the water goes through my sump to the rated gph.

10/03/2006, 08:39 PM
marineland S.O.S. is the best and quietest I have ever used

10/03/2006, 08:47 PM
I'm using the CPR that others complain about. I've had no problems with it, but really have little to compare it too. It works fine. The pump keeps the siphon from breaking. The flow rate through a u-tube does the same thing. The problem that u-tubes have is that when algae builds up in them, the flow rate is diminished, while the velocity of the water increases. If you keep them clean, they're ideal. If you let them go... it can end up flooding your living room.

I'm really with the "get it drilled" crowd. $100 or so on an overflow box, or $25 a hole... that works better... and is quieter... get it drilled.

10/03/2006, 08:52 PM
vonodie1....the big ol city of hamlin lol....why you going there? We have two lfs....one of the stores has algae all in the holding tanks....it is pretty bad i think they could reported....and the other one has some pretty good stuff but a bunch of high school kids who really dont know anything.....

10/03/2006, 08:56 PM
kpk has a custom made hob refuge for sale right now, you should check it out, i think its 90 shiped ( dont hold me to that)

10/03/2006, 08:58 PM
ok i checked , its 80 shipped, you may also want to check his frags !! NICE!!

10/03/2006, 09:08 PM
FavaBean, yes...that big huge city of Hamlin. :D That is good that there is at least one place to go. Most likely will purchase everything online though if not a good selection.

Well, right now hubby and I work at a boat dealership here in So. Padre.

We bought a house and closed on July 10...3 days later Advanced Outdoors (boat manufacturer) suffered a fire; which is where hubby will work. I may work there if he doesn't hire someone to do that job before hand.

We are actually going to be in Hamlin working on the house this weekend trying to get it ready for us to move into at the beginning of the year.

I bought my 180 gallon acrylic right after Christmas last year and then we decided we wanted to go help Joel at Advanced Outdoors (he is a great guy), so my tank is still wrapped up on the pallet it was shipped on. I haven't even looked at it out of the box yet. Talk about being patient...I want nothing more than to get going, but do not want to have to move any inhabitants 10 hours away. I will already have to move a 55 gallon freshwater.

Okay, sorry to be off topic... now back to our regularly scheduled topic. ;)

I do not wish to drill my acrylic tank for warranty reasons, so a HOB overflow will work if I choose to add a sump (I am still undecided on this). I am just absolutely no good at figuring out plumbing. I am trying to purchase all or at least most of the equipment before the move.

10/03/2006, 09:14 PM
Does the tank have a wide Eurobraced top? That can make the HOB more of a challenge.

I would still recommend drilling, but if you want HOB, be sure to get a Lifereef (http://www.lifereef.com/siphon.html)

10/03/2006, 09:28 PM
vonodie1....that is cool....just wish i could live like in dfw that way i would have fellow reefers all around ha ha....One of these days I want a big tank over 100 gallons....but for now the 55 will do....

10/04/2006, 04:50 AM
Wow the amount of responses you get here is amazing. Can all tanks be drilled if so Ill be looking for a place to get it done. I really wanted to get a drilled tank but I couldnt pass up the deal on this one.
As for abilene I am pretty new here just a couple of months but there are the two LFS. The one as was mentioned probably could use some cleaning up to put it lightly, the fish kind of looked poor. as for the other store I think the owner there likes what he likes and and doesnt want to talk about anything else. but when you know what your doing I guess you have that right. ill still take my business to him rather than the other.

Please let me know if there are certain tanks that cannot be drilled! Thanks Agian:D

For those of you in abilene do you have pictures of your tanks?

10/04/2006, 06:26 AM
If its acrylic, its a piece of cake. Glass you have to be more careful with. Some have tempered panels.

10/04/2006, 08:45 PM
glass tanks arent that hard to drill just go to the local hardware store and buy a couple of diamond dremil bit and keep flowing water from a hose or in the bathtub and drill awayjust dont try and drill the bottom of the tank it is most likely tempered glass

10/04/2006, 09:47 PM
cowpilot, I have some pics of my tank but it is a working progress ha ha....I will send you a private message....do you have any pics of your tank?

10/04/2006, 10:03 PM
hey just wondering cowpilot if you got my message

10/05/2006, 04:15 AM
Thank you for the replys.
FavaBean Yup got the message. Sorry about my reply time I work nights

10/05/2006, 05:03 AM
The tank dimensions are 60" long 18" wide and 20" tall. The inside of the stand measures 58" 16.5" by 28"

10/05/2006, 08:52 PM
i'd drill it but if not u tubes work good just over size u tube flow over sump return