View Full Version : "kent" nitrate reducer

09/14/2006, 07:01 AM
i was looking for some suggestions on how long i should run "kent marines" nitrate remover . it really doesnt say how long to run it for .

09/14/2006, 10:14 AM
I dont have much faith in these products. What are your trates at now and how big of a tank ?

Also fish only or reef ?

09/14/2006, 11:21 AM
reef tank . 120 gal , nirtates are low i was just doing some preventive maintiance.

09/14/2006, 11:40 AM
Well if they are low now, most of these products do a pretty good job at finishing them off. Its just when you start high they dont seem to do much good. Thats been my experience anyway.

Here is Randy's article about nitrates


Randy Holmes-Farley
09/15/2006, 03:09 PM
I would not count on the Kent nitrate sponge being effective. I'd look to other methods. i prefer growing macroalgae and skimming, but there are many other methods detailed in these articles:

Nitrate in the Reef Aquarium

Phosphate and the Reef Aquarium